Eliann Egaas, Dr. philos.

Toxinology Research Group
Norwegian Veterinary Institute
Elizabeth Stephansens vei 1
1433 Ås
Tel.: +47/2321 6211
E-mail: eliann.egaas@vetinst.no

Research interests

Biotoxins. Risk assessment of seafood allergens. Vaccine-development towards food allergy.


Master of Science (cand. real.) (1977) in nutrition, University of Bergen and PhD (1996) in biologi, University of Oslo, ’Biotransfomation enzymes as markers of xenobiotic exposure’. Position as Head of R&D at Rumen Chemistry, Oslo, and as a scientist at the University of Bergen, the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, the Norwegian Plant Protection Institute (now part of Bioforsk), and the Norwegian Veterinary Institute,  also former Head of the Section of Chemistry, National Veterinary Institute. Fulbright Scholarship at the National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle, USA and a sabbatical at the Institute of Toxicology, North Carolina State University, USA.


SAFEFISH – Implications of green Fish feed for consumer safety – carry-over of plant peptides, natural toxins and bioactive componds (NFR Havbruk2 – 2016-2020)

ALLERVACC – Novel type vaccine against food allergy (NFR 226127) 2013-2016

Anisakis simplex – Development of tools for product control and human risk evaluation in fishery value chains

Food restrictions of allergic patients resolved by a novel type vaccine (NFR 184825 – 2008-2013)

Food Allergen Methods – Development of a coordinated research programme for food allergens – identification, modification and in vivo responses (2003 – 2008)


  • Bertelsen,R.J.; Fæste,C.K.; Granum,B.; Egaas,E., London, SJ, Carlsen,K.-H., Lødrup Carlsen, K.C.; Løvik,M. Food allergens in mattress dust in Norwegian homes; a potentially important source of allergen exposure. Clinical and Experimental Allergy 2014, 44, 142-149.
  • Fæste,C.K.; Jonscher,K.R.; Dooper,M.M.W.B.; Egge-Jacobsen,W.M.; Moen,A.; Daschner,A.; Egaas,E.; Christians,U. Characterization of potential novel allergens in the fish parasite Anisakis simplex. EuPa Open Proteomics Journal 2014, 4, 140-155.
  • Fæste,C.K.; Plassen,C.; Løvberg,K.E.; Moen,A.; Egaas,E. Determination of the fish parasite Anisakis simplex in Norwegian farmed salmon and processed fish products. Food Analyt. Meth. 2014, DOI 10.1007/s12161-014-0003-8.
  • Myrset, H; Fæste, C.K.; Kristiansen, P.; Dooper, M.M.W.B. Mapping of the immunodominant regions of shrimp tropomyosin Pan b 1 by human IgE binding and IgE-receptor crosslinking studies. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 2013, 162, 25-38.
  • Bertelsen, R.J.; Fæste, C.K.; Lødrup Carlsen, K.C.; Egaas, E.; Carlsen, K.-H.; Granum, B.; Løvik, M. Food allergens in mattress dust in Norwegian homes; a potential important source of allergen exposure. Clinical and Experimental Allergy, in press.
  • Myrset, H. R.; Barletta, B.; Di Felice, G.; Egaas, E.; Dooper, M. M. B. W. Structural and immunological characterization of recombinant Pan b 1, a major allergen of Northern Shrimp, Pandalus borealis. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 2013, 160, 221-232.
  • Levsen, A.; Faeste, C.K.; Lin, A.H.; Van Do, T.; Florvag, E.;  Egaas, E. Consumer health risk posed by Anisakis simplex in Northern Europe – an update. Tropical Medicine and International Health 2013, 18, 49.
  • Namork, E.; Fæste, C. K.; Stensby, B. A., Egaas, E., Løvik, M. Severe allergic reactions to food in Norway: A ten year survey of cases reported to the Food Allergy Register. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2011, 8, 3144-3155. Abstract
  • Werner, M. T.; Faeste, C. K.; Levsen, A.; Egaas, E. A quantitative sandwich ELISA for the detection of Anisakis simplex protein in seafood. European Food Research and Technology 2011, 232 (1), 157-166.
  • Faeste, C. K.; Christians, U.; Egaas, E.; Jonscher, K. R. Characterization of potential allergens in fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) using patient sera and MS-based proteomic analysis. Journal of Proteomics 2010, 73 (7), 1321-1333.
  • Sletten, G.; Van Do, T.; Lindvik, H.; Egaas, E.; Florvaag, E. Effects of Industrial Processing on the Immunogenicity of Commonly Ingested Fish Species. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 2010, 151 (3), 223-236.
  • Dooper, M. M. B. W.; Plassen, C.; Holden, L.; Moen, L. H.; Namork, E.; Egaas, E. Antibody binding to hazelnut (Corylus avellana) proteins: the effects of extraction procedure and hazelnut source. Food and Agricultural Immunology 2008, 19 (3), 229-240.
  • Namork, E.; Faeste, C.; Stensby, B.; Egaas, E.; Lovik, M. Severe allergic reactions to food in Norway – the Norwegian National Reporting System. Allergy 2008, 63, 291.
  • Sletten, G. B. G.; Holden, L.; Egaas, E.; Faeste, C. K. Differential influence of the degree of processing on immunogenicity following proteolysis of casein and beta-lactoglobulin. Food and Agricultural Immunology 2008, 19 (3), 213-228.
  • Dooper, M. M. B. W.; Holden, L.; Faeste, C. K.; Thompson, K. M.; Egaas, E. Monoclonal antibodies against the candidate lupin allergens alpha-conglutin and beta-conglutin. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 2007, 143 (1), 49-58.
  • Egaas, E.; Sletten, G. Effectivity of an industrial hydrolysis process in removing allergenic protein from fish. Allergy 2007, 62, 328-329.
  • Faeste, C. K.; Lovberg, K. E.; Lindvik, H.; Egaas, E. Extractability, stability and allergenicity of egg white proteins in differently heat-processed foods. Journal of Aoac International 2007, 90 (2), 427-436.
  • Johansen, N. S.; Moen, L. H.; Egaas, E. Sterol demethylation inhibitor fungicides as disruptors of insect development and inducers of glutathione S-transferase activities in Mamestra brassicae. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology 2007, 145 (3), 473-483.
  • Sletten, G.; Egaas, E.; Lindvik, H.; Van Do, T.; Florvaag, E. Effects of industrial processing of commonly ingested fish species on fish protein allergenicity. Allergy 2007, 62, 328.
  • Sletten, G. B. G.; Halvorsen, R.; Egaas, E.; Halstensen, T. S. Memory T cell proliferation in cow’s milk allergy after CD25+ regulatory T cell removal suggests a role for casein-specific cellular immunity in IgE-mediated but not in non-IgE-mediated cow’s milk allergy. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 2007,  142 (3), 190-198.
  • Sletten, G. B. G.; Halvorsen, R.; Egaas, E.; Halstensen, T. S. Casein-specific immunoglobulins in cow’s milk allergic patient subgroups reveal a shift to IgA dominance in tolerant patients. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 2007, 18 (1), 71-80.
  • Werner, M. T.; Faeste, C. K.; Egaas, E. Quantitative sandwich ELISA for the determination of tropomyosin from crustaceans in foods. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2007, 55 (20), 8025-8032.
  • Sletten, G. B. G.; Halvorsen, R.; Egaas, E.; Halstensen, T. S. Changes in humoral responses to beta-lactoglobulin in tolerant patients suggest a particular role for IgG(4) in delayed, non-IgE-mediated cow’s milk allergy. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 2006, 17 (6), 435-443.
  • Holden, L.; Faeste, C. K.; Egaas, E. Quantitative sandwich ELISA for the determination of lupine (Lupinus spp.) in foods. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2005, 53 (15), 5866-5871.
  • Moen, L. H.; Sletten, G. B.; Miller, I.; Plassen, C.; Gutleb, A. C.; Egaas, E. Rocket immunoelectrophoresis and ELISA as complementary methods for the detection of casein in foods? Food and Agricultural Immunology 2005, 16 (2), 83-90.
  • Sletten, G. B.; Lovberg, K. E.; Moen, L. H.; Skarpeid, H. J.; Egaas, E. A comparison of time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay and ELISA in the detection of casein in foodstuffs. Food and Agricultural Immunology  2005, 16 (3-4), 235-243.


  • ‘Fate and Biological effects of pesticides in soil and water ecosystems’ co-editor and co-author (ISBN 82-479-0336-9) 2002.