

  • LC-MS instruments
    • Agilent Infinity II UHPLC – Agilent 6470 TSQ MS/MS
    • Vanquish UHPLC – Q-Exactive high-resolution mass spectrometer
    • Two Dionex UltiMate 3000: RSLC and RSLCnano – Orbitrap Fusion high-resolution mass spectrometer
    • MassTech AP/MALDI ion source for Q-Exactive high-resolution mass spectrometer
  • Preparative HPLC
    • PuriFlash 5.250P with UV detector
  • Analytical (U)HPLCs
    • Two Shimadzu UFLC systems, with PDA and UV detector
    • Waters Acquity UPLC with PDA detector
    • Agilent Infinity II UHPLC with fluorescence detector
  • NMR spectroscopy
    • Bruker AVII 600 NMR spectrometer with TCI cryoprobe


  • Plate reader
    • Spectramax i3x – Molecular Devices
  • BioPlex
    • BioPlex 200 system from Luminex
  • Flow cytometer
    • AccuriC6 – BD Biosciences
  • Confocal microscope
    • LSM710 – Zeiss
  • Fluorescence microscope
    • Axio Observer A1 – Zeiss