Kjersti Løvberg, M. Sc.

Section for Chemistry
Norwegian Veterinary Institute
Elizabeth Stephansens vei 1
1433 Ås

Tel.: +47 915 21 825
Mob: +47 934 03 394
E-mail: kjersti.lovberg@vetinst.no


Research interests

Method development concerning immunossays for detection of cyanotoxins/microcystins. Special interest in development of antibodies to recognise the metabolites and using the antibodies to developing immunological methods for detecting metabolites in food such as shellfish for the marine algal metabolites and in water for the freshwater algal metabolites. Especially interested in cyanotoxins/microcystins, okadaic acid and azaspiracids.


Master’s degree in inorganic chemistry at Norwegian Institute of technology (NTH) Trondheim, Norway,1989. Method development, validation, quality assurance and accreditation for methods such as different techniques of atomic absorption spectroscopy and immunological methods for detection of food allergens.


Ongoing projects

BedreVann – Significance of cyanotoxins in Akersvannet for soil

GreenBait – Progress toward environmentally safer rodenticides



Measurement of Cs-137 in food and feed (directed by Norwegian Food Safety Authority and Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority)

Recent projects

MARBioFEED  Enhanced biorefining methods for the production of marine biotoxins and microalgae fish feed (ERA-NET Marine Biotech – 2016-2019)

Target – Targeted strategies for safeguarding the noble crayfish against alien and emerging threats (NFR/243907 – 2015-2019).

ECsafeSEAFOOD – Priority environmetal contaminants in seafood: safety assessment, impact and public perception (EU grant no: 311820) (2013-2017).

CyanoTOX – Development and validation of diagnostic tools for cyanotoxins in Southern Africa (NRC project nr. 196085) (2010-2014).

Anisakis simplex – Development of tools for product control and human risk evaluation in fishery value chains (Anisakis simplex).

Food Allergen Methods – Development of a coordinated research program for food allergens – identification, modification and in vivo responses
