Toxinology Research Group Norwegian Veterinary Institute Elizabeth Stephansens vei 1 1433 Ås Norway
Cristin Researchgate
Research interests
I work with both general and molecular mycology. I have experience with sampling and identifying various fungi from the environment with use of molecular tools. Recently I have begun to work on characterization of molecular background of azole resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus. In the nearest future, I am planning to include WGS as an element of my research.
I have a MSc degree in applied biotechnology from Agricultural University in Cracow, Poland (2010), and a PhD in biological sciences (specialization: mycology) from Institute of Botany Polish Academy of Sciences (2014). Between 2014 and 2022 I worked on several mycological projects focused on understanding mycodiversity of anthropogenic niches. In 2022 I started working in NVI where I am concentrating on employing molecular tools for mycological research.
Ongoing projects
NavAzole – Navigating the threat of azole resistance development in human, plant and animal pathogens in Norway