Food Allergen Methods – Development of a coordinated research programme for food allergens – identification, modification and in vivo responses

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA) tasked the Norwegian Veterinary Institute (NVI) with the development of methods for food allergen detection in 1999. A working group on food allergens, established at NVI under the leadership of Eliann Egaas, started the evaluation of commercial ELISA kits, conducted food surveys in commission of NSFA and produced antibodies for the development of in-house ELISAs.

Survey results were published in official reports:

  • 2001: Survey of casein in baby food, meat products, cookies, snacks, sorbets and sweets
  • 2003: Survey of casein in food products on the Norwegian marked
  • 2006: Survey of peanuts in food products labelled «may contain traces of peanut»
  • 2006: Survey of hazelnuts in food products labelled «may contain traces of hazelnut»

The establishment of a competence center for food allergen analytics at NVI was further supported by research grants from the Norwegian Research Council.

  • 1999-2003: Allergens in food on the Norwegian marked
  • 2003–2008: Development of a co-ordinated research programme for food allergens – identification, quantification, modification and in vivo responses (NFR153436).

It was a major aim of the project to develop a method portfolio for the most important allergens in food that can cause IgE-mediated allergic incidents. The EU has identified 14 foodstuffs that have to be declared on all prepacked products, and recently also in restaurants and over-the-counter meals. In addition, methods for gluten detection, critical for the survey of gluten-free claims, were developed with the aim to protect consumers with gluten intolerance (coeliac disease).

The food allergen detection methods were validated in accordance to international standards. Quality was assured through participation in international ring trials and knowledge exchange with experts in international method standardisation bodies such as CEN (TC275WG12 Food Allergens) and AOAC (Food Allergen Community). These cooperations are continued to date. Furthermore, NVI is the national reference laboratory for food allergens and participating in the EU-initiative ENFADL (European Network of Food Allergen Detection Laboratories).    

The Food Allergen Group at NVI was responsible for the identification of the eliciting allergens in food samples submitted to the Norwegian National Register of Severe Allergic Reactions to Food (Matallergiregisteret – Meldesystem og register for alvorlige allergiske reaksjoner på mat) (2000-2018). The food allergen register was administered by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) in collaboration with the NFSA and NVI. Severe allergy cases were defined as reactions that lead to the patient contacting a doctor within 24 hours. Doctors sent a case report and a serum sample for specified IgE analysis to NIPH, whereas food samples were analysed and NVI.

Two novel food allergens in Norway, lupine in bakery goods and fenugreek in Indian-style food products, were discovered through this cooperation. Lupine was later included in the EU-list of 14 important foodstuffs.   

The portfolio at NVI offered analytical method for all relevant food allergens. Since the project end in 2008, numerous new commercial ELISA kits have become available. In addition, PCR methods are used for some allergens, and LC-MS/MS methods have been developed for the most important allergens.

 Allergen Principle Source LOD
Peanut ELISA commercial kit 0.5 mg/kg
Egg ELISA commercial kit 0.5 mg/kg
Fish ELISA in-house > commercialised 0.5-1 mg/kg
Fish (multi) Immunoblot in-house qualitatively
Milk RIE in-house 2.5 mg/kg
Milk ELISA in-house 1.0 mg/kg
Hazelnut FIA in-house 0.8 mg/kg
Almond Blot in-house qualitatively
Gluten ELISA commercial kit 20 mg/kg
Crustacean ELISA in-house 1.0 mg/kg
Soya ELISA commercial kit 0.1 %
Lupine ELISA in-house > commercialised 1.0 mg/kg
Sesame ELISA commercial kit 1.0 mg/kg
Mustard Blot in-house qualitatively
Cellery ELISA in-house qualitatively
Fenugreek ELISA in-house qualitatively
Anisakis simplex ELISA in-house 1.1 mg/kg

Students trained:

  • Lise Holden (2008). Lupin – a new food allergen: Studies on the detection, antigenicity and allergenicity of lupin proteins. Dissertation for the degree of Ph.D at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Oslo.
  • Gaynour B.G. Sletten (2006). Humoral and cellular immunity to beta-lactoglobulin and alpha-, beta- and kappa-caseins in cow’s milk allergic subgroups, and the detection of casein in food. Dissertation for the degree of Ph.D at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Oslo.
  • Moen LH (2006). Food allergy – cow`s milk allergy. Master in Food Safety at Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Oslo.


  • Werner MT, Fæste CK, Levsen A, Egaas E. A quantitative Sandwich ELISA for the detection of Anisakis simplex protein in seafood. Eur Food Res Technol 2011, 232:157-166.
  • Sletten, G.; Van Do, T.; Lindvik, H.; Egaas, E.; Florvaag, E. Effects of Industrial Processing on the Immunogenicity of Commonly Ingested Fish Species. Int Arch All Immunol 2010, 151, 223-236.
  • Fæste CK, Jonscher KR, Sit L, Klawitter J, Løvberg KE, Moen LH. Differentiating cross-reacting allergens in the immunological analysis of celery (Apium graveolens) by mass spectrometry. J. AOAC Int. 2010,93:451-461.
  • Fæste CK, Christians U, Egaas E, Jonscher KR. Characterization of potential allergens in fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) using patient sera and MS-based proteomic analysis. J. Proteomics 2010, 73:1321-1333.
  • Fæste CK, Namork E. Differentiated patterns of legume sensitisation in peanut-allergic patients. Food Analyt Meth 2010, 3:357-362.
  • Fæste CK, Namork E, Lindvik H.  Allergenicity and antigenicity of fenugreek proteins (Trigonella foenum-graecum) in foods. J. Allergy Clin Immunol 2009, 123:187-94.
  • Dooper MMBW, Plassen C, Holden L, Lindvik H, Faeste CK. IgE cross-reactivity between lupin conglutins and peanut allergens in serum of lupin-allergic individuals. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2009, 19:283-291.
  • Dooper, M.M.B.W.; Plassen, C.; Holden, L.; Moen, L.H.; Namork, E.; Egaas, E. Antibody binding to hazelnut (Corylus avellana) proteins: the effects of extraction procedure and hazelnut source. Food Agric Immunol 2008, 19, 229-240.
  • Lindvik, H.; Holden, L.; Lovik, M.; Cvancarova, M.; Halvorsen, R. Lupin sensitization and clinical allergy in food allergic children in Norway. Acta Paedia 2008, 97, 91-95.
  • Fæste CK, Plassen, C.  Quantitative Sandwich ELISA for the Determination of Fish in Foods. J Immunol Methods 2008, 329, 45-55.
  • Holden L, Sletten GBG, Lindvik H, Fæste CK, Dooper MMBW. Characterization of IgE binding to lupin, peanut and almond with sera from lupin-allergic patients. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2008, 146:267-276.
  • Sletten GBG, Holden L, Egaas E, Fæste CK. Differential influence of the degree of processing on immunogenicity following proteolysis of casein and β-lactoglobulin. Food Agri Immunol 2008, 19:213-228.
  • Dooper MMBW, Holden L, Fæste CK, Thompson KM, Egaas E. Monoclonal antibodies against the candidate lupin allergens a-conglutin and b-conglutin. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2007, 143, 49-58.
  • Fæste CK, Løvberg KE, Lindvik H, Egaas E. Extractability, stability, and allergenicity of egg-white proteins in differently heat-processed foods. J AOAC Int 2007, 90, 427-436.
  • Werner MT, Fæste CK, Egaas E. A quantitative sandwich ELISA for the determination of tromoyosin from crustaceans in foods. J Agr Food Chem 2007, 55, 8025-32.
  • Sletten, G.B.G.; Halvorsen, R.; Egaas, E.; Halstensen, T.S. Memory T cell proliferation in cow’s milk allergy after CD25+ regulatory T cell removal suggests a role for casein-specific cellular immunity in IgE-mediated but not in non-IgE-mediated cow’s milk allergy. Int Arch All Immunol 2007, 142, 190-198.
  • Sletten, G.B.G.; Halvorsen, R.; Egaas, E.; Halstensen, T.S. Casein-specific immunoglobulins in cow’s milk allergic patient subgroups reveal a shift to IgA dominance in tolerant patients. Ped All Immunol 2007, 18, 71-80.
  • Holden, L.; Moen, L.H.; Sletten, G.B.; Dooper, M.M. Novel polyclonal-monoclonal-based ELISA utilized to examine lupine (Lupinus species) content in food products. J Agric Food Chem 2007, 55, 2536-2542.
  • Sletten, G.B.G.; Halvorsen, R.; Egaas, E.; Halstensen, T.S. Changes in humoral responses to beta-lactoglobulin in tolerant patients suggest a particular role for IgG(4) in delayed, non-IgE-mediated cow’s milk allergy. Ped All Immunol 2006, 17, 435-443.
  • Fæste CK, Holden L, Plassen C, Almli B (2006). Sensitive time-resolved fluoroimmunoassays for the detection of hazelnut (Corylus avellana) protein traces in food matrices. J Immunol Methods 2006, 314, 114-122.
  • Moen, L.H.; Sletten, G.B.; Miller, I.; Plassen, C.; Gutleb, A.C.; Egaas, E. Rocket immunoelectrophoresis and ELISA as complementary methods for the detection of casein in foods? Food Agric Immunol 2005, 16, 83-90.
  • Sletten, G.B.; Lovberg, K.E.; Moen, L.H.; Skarpeid, H.J.; Egaas, E. A comparison of time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay and ELISA in the detection of casein in foodstuffs. Food Agric Immunol 2005, 16, 235-243.
  • Holden L., Fæste CK, Egaas E. A quantitative sandwich ELISA for the determination of Lupine (Lupinus L.) in Foods. J Agr Food Chem. 2005, 53, 5866-5871.
  • Haddeland, U.; Sletten, G.B.; Brandtzaeg, P.; Nakstad, B. Impaired interleukin (IL)-4-associated generation of CCR4-expressing T cells in neonates with hereditary allergy risk. Clin Exp Immunol 2005, 139, 314-322.
  • Fæste CK, Løvik M, Wiker HG, Egaas E. A case of peanut cross-allergy to hidden lupine flour in a hot dog bread. Int Arch Allergy Immunol Fæste CK, Wiker HG, Løvik M, Egaas E. Hidden shellfish in a fish cake. Allergy 2004, 58, 1204-1205. 135, 135-39.
  • Fæste CK, Wiker HG, Løvik M, Egaas E. Hidden shellfish in a fish cake. Allergy 2003, 58, 1204-1205.

Book chapters

  • Fæste CK: Lupin allergen detection, Chapter 22, Molecular Biological and Immunological Techniques and Applications for Food Chemists, edt. Popping B, Diaz-Amigo C, Hoenicke K.  John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2009.
  • Fæste CK: Allergens in Peanut, Soybean, and Lupin, Chapter 3, Food Allergens: Analysis Instrumentation and Methods, edt. Nollet L. Van Hengel A. Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, Boca Raton, Fl. USA, 2011.


  • Namork E, Fæste CK, Stensby B, Egaas E, Løvik M. Allergic reactions to food in Norway. New Trends in Allergy VII. 22.-24.7. 2010. Munich, Germany
  • Werner MT, Fæste CK, Levsen A, Egaas E. ELISA for the determination of the herring worm Anisakis simplex in foods. 124th AOAC Annual Meeting and Exposition. 26.9.-29.9. 2010. Orlando, FL, USA.
  • Fæste CK, Namork E. Differentiated patterns of legume sensitisation in peanut-allergic patients. 5th Workshop on Food Allergens, 11.-14. Mai 2008, Halifax, Canada.
  • Løvberg KE, Fæste CK. Traceability of sesame protein in sesame oil. 10th International Symposium on Immunological, Chemical and Clinical Problems of Food Allergy. 26.-29. Mai 2008, Parma, Italy.
  • Namork E, Fæste C, Stensby B, Søyland A, Lindvik H, Løvik M. Fenugreek – a hidden food allergen. ITCASS, 2008 22-23 Sept., Oslo, Norway.
  • Plassen C, Sletten G (2008). A new strategy in the detection of fish protein i foods – a ”multi-fish” anti-serum? 10th International Symposium on Immunological, Chemical and Clinical Problems of Food Allergy, 26-29 May, Parma, Italy.
  • Løvik M, Egaas E, Fæste CK, Omholt Gjevestad G, Stensby BA, Namork E (2007). The Norwegian National Reporting System and Register of Severe Allergic Reactions to Food. Society of Toxicology 46th Annual Meeting, 25.-29. Mars, Charlotte, USA.
  • Sletten GBS, Do VT, Lindvik H, Egaas E, Florvaag E (2007). Effect of industrial processing of commonly ingested fish species on fish protein allergenicity. XXVI EAACI, 9-13 June, Göteborg, Sweden.
  • Dooper M, Holden L, Thompson K, Fæste CK (2007). A homologous sequence between Lupinus spp. (lupin) and Prunus dulcis (almond) allergens recognized by an anti-lupin monoclonal antibody. XXVI EAACI, 9-13 June, Göteborg, Sweden.
  • Egaas E, Sletten GBS (2007). Effectivity of an industrial hydrolysis process in removing allergenic protein from fish.  XXVI EAACI, 9-13 June, Göteborg, Sweden.
  • Sandberg M, Lundberg L, Moen LH, Yman IM (2007). Detection of celery (apium graveolens) in food. ? IXth International Conference on AgriFood Antibodies (ICAFA), 10-13 September, Vettre, Norway.
  • Fæste CK, Namork E. Fenugreek proteins are potential food allergens. 2nd International Symposium on Molecular Allergology, 22.-24. April 2007, Roma, Italy.
  • Fæste CK, Plassen C, Moen LH. Cross-reactivity of anti-cod parvalbumin antibodies with different fish species. 2nd International Symposium on Molecular Allergology, 22.-24. April 2007, Roma, Italy.
  • Løvberg KE, Holden L, Fæste CK. Extraction of egg, lupin and sesame proteins from food. 9th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies, 3.-6. Juni 2007, Ålesund, Norway.
  • Dooper M, Holden L, Thompson K, Fæste CK. A homologous sequence between Lupinus spp. (lupin) and Prunus dulcis (almond) allergens recognized by an anti-lupin monoclonal antibody. XXVI EAACI, 9.-13. Juni 2007, Göteborg, Sweden.
  • Namork E, Fæste CK, Stensby B, Søyland A, Lindvik H. Fenugreek – a new hidden allergen? XXVI EAACI, 9.-13. Juni 2007, Göteborg, Sweden.
  • Løvberg KE, Fæste CK. Survey of sesame protein foods on the Norwegian marked using a commercial ELISA kit. IXth International Conference on AgriFood Antibodies (ICAFA), 10.-13. September 2007, Vettre, Norway.
  • Plassen C, Jonscher KR, Fæste CK. Might fish troponin C be allergenic? IXth International Conference on AgriFood Antibodies (ICAFA), 10.-13. September 2007, Vettre, Norway.
  • Holden L, Fæste CK, Dooper MMBW, Moen LH, Namork E. Occurrence of lupin-containing foods and lupin food allergy in Norway. XXV EAACI, 10.-14. Juni 2006, Wien, Austria.
  • Egaas E (2006) May contain traces of… AOAC Europe, 6-7 November, Cyprus.
  • Egaas E, Moen L (2006) Casein in food products intended for milk allergic persons; a case and its consequences for the label.  AOAC Europe, 6-7 November, Cyprus
  • Egaas E, Sit, L (2006) A study of peanut protein in food labelled ‘may contain traces of peanut’. AOAC Europe, 6-7 November, Cyprus.
  • Dooper MMBW, Holden L, Fæste CK, Thompson KW, Egaas E. The specificity of monoclonal antibodies against storage seed proteins from Lupinus albus. VIII International conference on agri-food antibodies, 6.-9. September 2005, Chester, UK.
  • Dooper MMBW, Holden L, Fæste CK, Thompson KW, Egaas E. Detection of the major parvalbumin by using monoclonal antibodies. VIII International conference on agri-food antibodies, 6.-9. September 2005, Chester, UK.
  • Fæste CK, Løvberg KE, Skarpeid HJ, Egaas E. Performance test of two commercial ELISA-kits for the detection of egg in foods. VIII International conference on agri-food antibodies, 6.-9. September 2005, Chester, UK.
  • Fæste CK, Plassen C, Almli B. Sensitivity tuning in corylin detection – beneficial or hampering? VIII International conference on agri-food antibodies, 6.-9. September 2005, Chester, UK.
  • Fæste CK, Løvberg K, Skarpeid HJ, Egaas E. Comparison of two commercial ELISA-kits for the detection of egg in processed foods. 119th AOAC Annual Meeting and Exposition, 11.-15. September 2005, Orlando, USA.
  • Fæste CK, Holden L, Reisdorph N, Halvorsen R, Løvik M. Lupine food allergy in Norway. 119th AOAC Annual Meeting and Exposition, 11.-15. September 2005, Orlando, USA.
  • Fæste CK, Jonscher KR, Namork E. Fenugreek – a potential danger for peanut-allergic consumers. 121st AOAC Annual Meeting and Exposition, 16.-20. September 2005, Anaheim, USA.
  • Holden L, Sletten G, Scarpeid H-J, Fæste CK. Peptic digestion patterns and antigenicity of commercial milk types in Norway. 9th International Symposium on Immunological, Chemical and Clinical Problems of Food Allergy. 18.-21. April 2004, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Fæste CK, Namork E, Omholt-Jensen G, Løvik M, Egaas E. Lupine protein as food allergen. 20.-23. Juni 2004, 8th Nordic Nutrition Conference, Tønsberg, Norway.
  • Fæste CK, Namork E, Omholt-Jensen G, Løvik M, Egaas E. The problem of “hidden” allergens in processed food. 20.-23. Juni 2004, 8th Nordic Nutrition Conference, Tønsberg, Norway.
  • Vinje NE, Egaas E, Fæste CK, Løvik M. Mouse model for food allergy. 20.-23. Juni 2004, 8th Nordic Nutrition Conference, Tønsberg, Norway.
  • Almli B, Omholt-Jensen G, Fæste CK, Egaas E. “May contain traces of nut” – an assurance for the food industry? 20.-23. Juni 2004, 8th Nordic Nutrition Conference, Tønsberg, Norway.
  • Holden, L, Sletten G, Scarpeid H-J, Løvberg K, Fæste CK. Peptic digestion patterns and antigenicity of commercial milk types in Norway. 20.-23. Juni 2004, 8th Nordic Nutrition Conference, Tønsberg, Norway.
  • Løvberg KE, Sletten GBG (2004). Comparison of europium-based time-resolved fluoro-immunoassay and traditional ELISA in detecting milk casein. 9th International Symposium on Immunological, Chemical and Clinical Problems of Food Allergy. 18 – 21 April, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Egaas E (2004). Does the production of allergen-free foods demand new production sites? Poster presentation, 9th International Symposium on Immunological, Chemical and Clinical Problems of Food Allergy. 18 – 21 April, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Sletten GBG, Løvberg K, Skarpeid HJ, Egaas E (2004). Comparison of europium-based time-resolved fluoro-immunoassay and traditional enzyme-based immunoassay in detecting milk casein. 8th Nordic Nutrition Conference, 20-23 June, Tønsberg, Norway.
  • Moen LH, Egaas E, Omholt-Jensen G, Sletten GBG (2004). Casein in foods on the Norwegian market intended for persons with milk allergy. 8th Nordic Nutrition Conference, 20-23 June, Tønsberg, Norway.
  • Egaas E, Moen LH, Freberg E, Halvorsen R (2004). Does the production of allergen-free foods demand new production sites? 8th Nordic Nutrition Conference, 20-23 June, Tønsberg, Norway.
  • Egaas E, Løvberg K, Werner M, Omholt-Jensen G (2004). Gliadin in foods on the Norwegian market intended for persons with celiac disease. 8th Nordic Nutrition Conference, 20-23 June, Tønsberg, Norway.
  • Moen LH, Plassen C, Miller I, Gutleb AC, Egaas E (2004). Rocket immunoelectrophoresis (RIE) as a tool to identify trace amounts of casein in food – an old method that outdoes a modern commercial ELISA . 8th Nordic Nutrition Conference, 20-23 June, Tønsberg, Norway.
  • Sletten GBG, Halvorsen R, Egaas E, Halstensen TS (2003). Proliferative responses to cow’s-milk proteins in CD45RA+ve and CD45RAneg cells in suspected cow’s milk allergy. Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, 7 – 11 June, Paris, France.
  • Moen LH, Plassen C, Miller I, Gutleb AC, Egaas E (2003). Rocket immuno-electrophoresis (RIE) as a tool to identify trace amounts of casein in food – an old method that out-passes a modern commercial ELISA. XXII. Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, 7 – 11 June, Paris, France.
  • Ferm M, Eriksson A, Malmheden Yman I, Haugland Moen L, Fæste CK. Detection of crustaceans with an antiserum to tropomyosin. VIIth International Conference on Agri-Food Antibodies. 10.-13. September, 2003, Uppsala, Sweden.


  • Fæste CK. Assessing the allergenicity risk of novel food (protein)s – current situation. EU COST-Action ImpARAS Stakeholder Meeting. 22.2.2018, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Fæste CK. Identifisering og kvantifisering av allergener i mat. Teknologisk Matforum, Allergener i fokus. 24.10.2018, Oslo, Norway.
  • Fæste CK. Current status of food allergens analysis by LC-MS/MS. 17th meeting of CEN/TC 275/WG 12 “Food allergens”. 14.11.2018, Braunschweig, Germany
  • Fæste CK. Chasing new food allergens – sources, techniques, strategies. Biologically Active Compounds in Food. International Conference. 15.-16.10.2015, Lodz, Poland.
  • Fæste CK. Confirmation of a new allergen on the Norwegian market. Seminar on Threshold Levels and Methods in Food Allergy.  16. Oktober 2008. Oslo.
  • Fæste CK. Quantitative Sandwich ELISA for the Determination of Fish in Foods. 4th Workshop on Food Allergens, 15.-18. Oktober 2006. Québec, Canada.
  • Løvik M (2008) Lupin – the Norwegian experience with a new food allergen. 10th International Symposium on Immunological, Chemical and Clinical Problems of Food Allergy. 26-29 May, Parma, Italy.
  • Egaas E (2007) Allergener i mat – et prosjekt på Veterinærinstituttet. Voksentoppen Senter for Astma og Allergi, January. Oslo, Norway.
  • Egaas E (2007). The use of immunological methods to confirm cases to the Norwegian national register. IXth International Conference on AgriFood Antibodies (ICAFA), 10-13 September, Vettre, Norway.
  • Sletten GBG (2007). Process-induced changes in antigenicity and allergenicity of fish investigated using immunological methods. IXth International Conference on AgriFood Antibodies (ICAFA), 10-13 September, Vettre, Norway.
  • Fæste CK (2007). Mass spectrometry as confirmatory technique in food allergen detection. IXth International Conference on AgriFood Antibodies (ICAFA), 10-13 September, Vettre, Norway.
  • Dooper MMBW, Holden L, Moen LH, Egaas E (2007). Unexpected detection of hazelnuts by a monoclonal antibody used in the detection step of an ELISA for Lupinus spp. IXth International Conference on AgriFood Antibodies (ICAFA), 10-13 September, Vettre, Norway.
  • Egaas E (2007) Identifisering og kvantifisering av allergener i mat. Teknologisk Matforum, November, Oslo, Norway.
  • Sletten GBG (2006). Allergic inflammation: From allergen exposure to tissue consequences. Norges veterinærhøgskole, 22nd August, Oslo, Norway.
  • Sletten GBG (2006). Food allergies: an overview. Norges Veterinærhøgskole, 22nd August, Oslo, Norway.
  • Egaas E (2006). Når er merking meningsfull? Orkla Foods, August, Oslo, Norway.
  • Dooper MMBW (2006). Monoclonal Antibodies against the Candidate Lupin Allergens alpha-Conglutin and beta-Conglutin. The annual meeting of the Norwegian Society for Immunology, 26th November, Oslo, Norway.
  • Sletten GBG (2006). Humoral and cellular immunity to β-lactoglobulin and α-, β- and κ-caseins in cow’s milk allergic subgroups, and the detection of casein in food. Voksentoppen seminar, i anledning mottagelse av Voksentoppens forskningspris 2006. 30th November, Oslo, Norway.
  • Sletten GBG (2006). Måling av antistoffer mot melk i blodet til barn med forskjellige former for kumelkallergi. Phadia (Pharmacia Diagnostics): Brukermøte for allergi. 8th November, Oslo, Norway.
  • Egaas E (2005). Matallergi. Agenda Bayer, Allergi Forkus Dag 9-10th May, Oslo, Norway.
  • Egaas E (2005). Matallergikerens ensomme og farefulle liv? FON-seminar, 21st April, Sundvolden, Norway.
  • Werner M (2005). Matallergi, analyser. Temadag for matallergi, Gilde, Oktober, Oslo, Norway.
  • Egaas E (2005). Matallergi. Temadag for matallergi, Gilde, Oktober, Oslo, Norway.
  • Fæste CK (2004). Hvilken nytte kan industrien ha av “Nasjonalt Melderegisteret for Alvorlige Allergiske Reaksjoner på Mat”? Teknologisk Matforum, 28th October, Oslo, Norway


  • Egaas E, Skarpeid HJ, Løvberg K, Moen LM, Plassen C, Halstensen TS (2002). Kartlegging av gluten i glutenfrie produkter. Cøliakinytt 1, 12-15.
  • Moen L, Egaas E (2003). Kartlegging av kasein i et utvalg produkter på det norske marked. Report from Norwegian Veterinary Institute
  • Werner M, Løvberg K (2003). Kartlegging av gluten i havre, importerte hvetemelserstatninger og bakevarer. Report from Norwegian Veterinary Institute
  • Moen L, Egaas E (2003). Kartlegging av kasein i et utvalg produkter på det norske marked. Report from Norwegian Veterinary Institute
  • Werner M, Løvberg K (2003). Kartlegging av gluten i havre, importerte hvetemelserstatninger og bakevarer. Report from Norwegian Veterinary Institute
  • Almli B, Gjevestad OG (2006). ’Kartlegging av hasselnøttprotein i et utvalg produkter merket med ’kan inneholde spor av nøtter’. Report from Norwegin Food Safety Authority
  • Egaas E, Sit L,  Almli B (2006). ’Kartlegging av peanøttprotein i et utvalg produkter merket med ’kan inneholde spor av peanøtter’. Report from Norwegian Veterinary Institute