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- Wang X, Fon M, Andersen AJC, Solhaug A, Ingebrigtsen RA, Samdal IA, Uhlig S, Miles CO, Edvardsen B and Larsen TO. Insights into the nature of ichthyotoxins from the Chrysochromulina leadbeateri blooms in Northern Norwegian fjords. Harmful Algae 2024, 137, 102681.
- Miles CO, Strand DA, Rusch JC, Ballot A, Haande S, Løvberg KLE, Vrålstad T, Samdal IA. Microcystin profiles in European noble crayfish Astacus astacus and water in Lake Steinsfjorden, Norway. Environmental Research 2024, 242, 117623.
- Bannon CC, Wang X, Uhlig S, Samdal IA, McCarron P, Larsen TO, Mudge EM. Influence of biotic and abiotic factors on prymnesin profiles in three strains of Prymnesium parvum. Algal Research 2024, 78, 103390.
- Van Hassel WHR, Abdallah MF, Velasquez MGG, Miles CO, Samdal IA, Masquelier J, et al. Experimental accumulation and depuration kinetics and natural occurrence of microcystin-LR in basil (Ocimum basilicum L.). Environ Pollut. 2024, 347, 123715.
- Louro H, Vettorazzi A, López de Cerain A, Spyropoulou A, Solhaug A, Straumfors A, Behr A-C, Mertens B, Žegura B, Fæste CK, Ndiaye D, Spilioti E, Varga E, Dubreil E, Borsos E, Crudo F, Eriksen GS, Snapkow I, Henri J, Sanders J, Machera K, Gaté L, Le Hegarat L, Novak M, Smith NM, Krapf S, Hager S, Fessard V, Kohl Y, Silva MJ, Dirven H, Dietrich J, Marko D. Hazard characterization of Alternaria toxins to identify data gaps and improve risk assessment for human health. Archives of Toxicology 2024, 98, 425-469.
- Fæste CK, Rangel-Huerta OD, Anonsen JH, Tartor H, Kuiper RV and Dahle MK. Potential plasma biomarkers for the onset of heart and skeletal muscle inflammation from Piscine orthoreovirus-1 infection in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Aquaculture 2024, 590, 741045.
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- Borge AJ, Colitti B, Rosati S, Nordstoga AB, Gjerset B, Udjus K, Nogarol C, Chellappa S, Samdal IA and Lybeck K. Development of a bead-based multiplex fluorescent immunoassay to detect antibodies against Maedi-visna virus in sheep. Animals 2024, 14, 1442.
- Solhaug A, Olsvik PA, Siriyappagouder P, Faller R and Kristensen T. Gill epithelial cell line ASG-10 from Atlantic salmon as a new research tool for solving water quality challenges in aquaculture. Toxicology in Vitro 2024, 96, 105790.
- Solhaug A, Vlegels S and Eriksen GS. Atlantic salmon gill epithelial cell line ASG-10, an in vitro model for studying effects of microplastics in gills. Aquatic Toxicology 2024, 272, 106946.
- Turner AD, Beach DG, Foss A, Samdal IA, Løvberg KLE, Waack J, Edwards C, Lawton LA, Dean KJ, Maskrey BH, Lewis AM. A feasibility study into the production of a mussel matrix reference material for the cyanobacterial toxins microcystins and nodularins. Toxins 2023, 15, 27.
- Mudge EM, Miles CO, Ivanova L, Uhlig S, James KS, Erdner D, Fæste CK, McCarron P, Robertson A. Algal ciguatoxin identified as source of ciguatera poisoning in the Caribbean. Chemosphere 2023, 330, 138659.
- Tebben J, Zurhelle C, Tubaro A, Samdal IA, Krock B, Kilcoyne J, Sosa S, Trainer VL, Deeds JR, Tillmann U. Structure and toxicity of AZA-59, an azaspiracid shellfish poisoning toxin produced by Azadinium poporum (Dinophyceae). Harmful Algae 2023, 124, 102388.
- Gwinn JK, Robertson A, Ivanova L, Fæste CK, Kryuchkov F, Uhlig S. Identification and cross-species comparison of in vitro phase I brevetoxin (BTX-2) metabolites in northern Gulf of Mexico fish and human liver microsomes by UHPLC-HRMS(/MS). Toxicon X, 2023, 19, 100168.
- Vazquez-Aguilar A, Sanchez-Rodriguez E, Rodriguez-Perez C, Rangel-Huerta OD, Mesa MD. Metabolomic-based studies of the intake of virgin olive oil: a comprehensive review. Metabolites 2023, 13, 472.
- Kryuchkov F, Foldvik A, Sandodden R, Uhlig S. Presence of 6PPD-quinone in runoff water samples from Norway using a new LC–MS/MS method. Frontiers in Environmental Chemistry 2023, 4.
- Ivanova L, Fæste CK, Solhaug A. Atlantic salmon gill epithelial cell line (ASG-10) as a suitable model for xenobiotic biotransformation. Metabolites 2023, 13, 771.
- Fosse JH, Andresen AMS, Ploss FB, Weli SC, Heffernan IA, Sapkota S, Lundgård K, Kuiper RV, Solhaug A, Falk K. The infectious salmon anemia virus esterase prunes erythrocyte surfaces in infected Atlantic salmon and exposes terminal sialic acids to lectin recognition. Frontiers in Immunology 2023, 14.
- Slattery O, Dahle MK, Sundaram AYM, Nowak BF, Gjessing MC, Solhaug A. Functional and molecular characterization of the Atlantic salmon gill epithelium cell line ASG-10; a tool for in vitro gill research. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 2023, 10.
- Strand DA, Jinnerot T, Aspán A, Viljamaa-Dirks S, Heinikainen S, Rolén E, Vrålstad T. Molecular detection of Aphanomyces astaci – an improved species specific qPCR assay. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 2023, 201, 108008.
- Davidson RK, Fæste CK, Uhlig S, Tukun F-L, Lian H, Solvang HA, Thorvaldsen R, Folkow L, Sánchez Romano J, Kilvær MV, Holmgren KE, Nymo IH. Pharmacokinetics of a long-acting subcutaneous eprinomectin injection in semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) – a pilot study. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol 2022 97:104041.
- Solhaug, S.; Gjessing, M.; Sandvik, M.; Eriksen, G.S. The gill epithelial cell lines RTgill-W1, from Rainbow trout and ASG-10, from Atlantic salmon, exert different toxicity profiles towards rotenone. Cytotechnology, 2022.
- Windahl, U., Tevell Åberg, A., Kryuchkov, F., Lundgren, S., Tegner, C., Dreimanis, K., Koivisto, S., Simola, O., Sandvik, M., Bernhoft, A. Alpha-chloralose poisoning in cats in three Nordic countries – the importance of secondary poisoning. BMC Veterinary Research 2022, 18, 334.
- Samdal IA, Sandvik M, Vu J, Sukenthirarasa MS, Kanesamurthy S, Løvberg KLE, Kilcoyne J, Forsyth CJ, Wright EJ, Miles CO. Preparation and characterization of an immunoaffinity column for the selective extraction of azaspiracids. J Chromatogr B. 2022, 1207, 123360.
- Fæste, C.K., Solhaug, A., Gaborit, M., Pierre, F., and Massotte, D. Neurotoxic potential of deoxynivalenol in murine brain cell lines and primary hippocampal cultures. Toxins 2022, 14, 48.
- Mudge, E.M., Meija, J., Uhlig, S., Robertson, A., McCarron, P., and Miles, C.O. Production and stability of oxygen-18 labeled Caribbean ciguatoxins and gambierones. Toxicon 2022; 211: 11–20.
- Rangel-Huerta, O. D.; Uhlig, S.; Ivanova, L.; Dang, T. T.; Rode, T. M.; Noriega Fernández, E.; Fæste, C. K., Metabolomics workflow for quality control of differently-processed pre-cooked chicken fillets. Food Chem. 2022, 370, 131006.
- Ivanova, L., Rangel-Huerta, O.D., Tartor, H., Gjessing, M.C., Dahle, M.K., and Uhlig, S. 2022. Fish skin and gill mucus: a source of metabolites for non-invasive health monitoring and research. Metabolites 2022, 12, 28.
- Neckermann, K., Antonissen, G., Doupovec, B., Schatzmayr, D., Gathumbi, J., Delcenserie, V., Uhlig, S., and Croubels, S. Efficacy of fumonisin esterase in piglets as animal model for fumonisin detoxification in humans: Pilot study comparing intraoral to intragastric administration. Toxins 2022, 14, 136.
- Dierikx, C., Börjesson, S., Perrin-Guyomard, A., Haenni, M., Norström, M., Divon, H.H., Ilag, H.K., Granier, S.A., Hammerum, A., Kjeldgaard, J.S., Pauly, N., Randall, L., Anjum, M.F., Smialowska, A., Franco, A., Veldman, K., and Slettemeås, J.S. A European multicenter evaluation study to investigate the performance on commercially available selective agar plates for the detection of carbapenemase producing Enterobacteriaceae. J Microbiol Methods 2022, 193, 106418.
- Bernhoft, A., Valheim, M., Grøntvedt, C.A., Hoel, T.V. Selenforgiftning hos griser. Norsk Veterinærtidsskrift 2022, 3, 1-4.
- Bernhoft, A., Wang, J., Leifert, C. Effect of organic and conventional cereal production methods on fusarium head blight and mycotoxin contamination levels. Agronomy 2022, 12, 797.
- Fosse, J.H., Aamelfot, M., Sønstevold, T., Weli, S.C., Vendramin, N., Petersen, P.E., Solhaug, A., Amundsen, M.M., Heffernan, I.A., Cuenca, A., Christiansen, D.H., Falk, K. Salmon erythrocytes sequester active virus particles in infectious salmon anaemia. Viruses 2022, 14, 310.
- Gudmundsson, S., Bernhoft, A., Sivertsen, T., Ersdal, C. Forsinket swayback (enzootisk ataksi) hos kje. Norsk Veterinærtidsskrift 2022, 2, 78-82.
- Kryuchkov, F., Robertson, A., Mudge, E.M., Miles, C.O., Van Gothem, S., Uhlig, S. Reductive amination for LC-MS signal enhancement and confirmation of the presence of caribbean ciguatoxin-1 in fish. Toxins 2022, 14, 399.
- Rangel-Huerta, O.D.; Ivanova, L.; Uhlig, S.; Sivertsvik, M.; Sone, I; Fernández, E.N.; Fæste, C.K. Impact of plasma-activated water treatment on quality and shelf-life of fresh spinach leaves evaluated by comprehensive metabolomic analysis, Foods, 2021, 3067.
- Sandvik M, Miles CO, Løvberg KLE, Kryuchkov F, Wright EJ, Mudge EM, Kilcoyne J, Samdal IA. In vitro metabolism of azaspiracids 1–3 with a hepatopancreatic fraction from blue mussels (Mytilus edulis). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2021, 69, 11322–11335.
- Berntsen, H. F.; Duale, N.; Bjørklund, C. G.; Rangel-Huerta, O. D.; Dyrberg, K.; Hofer, T.; Rakkestad, K. E.; Østby, G.; Halsne, R.; Boge, G.; Paulsen, R. E.; Myhre, O.; Ropstad, E., Effects of a human-based mixture of persistent organic pollutants on the in vivo exposed cerebellum and cerebellar neuronal cultures exposed in vitro. Environment International 2021, 146, 106240.
- Elameen, A.; Stueland, S.; Kristensen, R.; Fristad, R. F.; Vrålstad, T.; Skaar, I., Genetic analyses of Saprolegnia strains isolated from salmonid fish of different geographic origin document the connection between pathogenicity and molecular diversity. Journal of Fungi 2021, 7 (9), 713.
- Eriksen, G. S.; Knutsen, H. K.; Sandvik, M.; Brantsæter, A.-L., Urinary deoxynivalenol as a biomarker of exposure in different age, life stage and dietary practice population groups. Environment International 2021, 157, 106804.
- Gwinn, J. K.; Uhlig, S.; Ivanova, L.; Fæste, C. K.; Kryuchkov, F.; Robertson, A., In vitro glucuronidation of Caribbean ciguatoxins in fish: first report of conjugative ciguatoxin metabolites. Chemical Research in Toxicology 2021, 34 (8), 1910-1925.
- Hole, A. S.; Rud, I.; Sahlstrøm, S.; Ivanova, L.; Eriksen, G. S.; Divon, H. H., Heat-induced reduction of deoxynivalenol and its modified forms during flaking and cooking of oat. World Mycotoxin Journal 2021, 0 (0), 1-12.
- Neckermann, K.; Claus, G.; De Baere, S.; Antonissen, G.; Lebrun, S.; Gemmi, C.; Taminiau, B.; Douny, C.; Scippo, M.-L.; Schatzmayr, D.; Gathumbi, J.; Uhlig, S.; Croubels, S.; Delcenserie, V., The efficacy and effect on gut microbiota of an aflatoxin binder and a fumonisin esterase using an in vitro simulator of the human intestinal microbial ecosystem (SHIME®). Food Research International 2021, 145, 110395.
- Nones, J.; Solhaug, A.; Riella, H. G.; Eriksen, G. S.; Nones, J., Brazilian bentonite and a new modified bentonite material, BAC302, reduce zearalenone-induced cell death. World Mycotoxin Journal 2021, 14 (3), 347-356.
- Schirmer, B. C.; Liland, K. H.; Øverby, L.; Skaar, I.; Kure, C. F., Suitability of FTIR to distinguish pure cultures of problematic mould species from closely related species in the meat industry. Journal of Applied Microbiology 2021, 131 (5), 2308-2316.
- Sindre, H.; Gjessing, M. C.; Fosse, J. H.; Hermansen, L. C.; Böckerman, I.; Amundsen, M. M.; Dahle, M. K.; Solhaug, A., Establishment and characterization of a novel gill cell line, LG-1, from atlantic lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.). Cells 2021, 10 (9), 2442.
- Uhlig, S.; Rangel-Huerta, O. D.; Divon, H. H.; Rolén, E.; Pauchon, K.; Sumarah, M. W.; Vrålstad, T.; Renaud, J. B., Unraveling the ergot alkaloid and indole diterpenoid metabolome in the Claviceps purpurea species complex using LC–HRMS/MS diagnostic fragmentation filtering. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2021, 69 (25), 7137-7148.
- van den Brand, A. D.; Hoogenveen, R.; Mengelers, M. J. B.; Zeilmaker, M.; Eriksen, G. S.; Uhlig, S.; Brantsæter, A. L.; Dirven, H. A. A. M.; Husøy, T., Modelling the renal excretion of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol in humans in an everyday situation. Toxins 2021, 13 (10), 675.

- Miller, T.R., Xiong, A., Deeds, J.R., Stutts, W.L., Samdal, I.A., Løvberg, K.E., Miles, C.O. Microcystin toxins at potentially hazardous levels in algal dietary supplements revealed by a combination of bioassay, immunoassay, and mass spectrometric methods. J Agric Food Chem 2020, 68, 8016–8025.
- Schirmer, B.C.; Sørheim, O.; Skaar, I.; Kure, C.F. The influence of concentrations of carbond ioxide and residual oxygen on the growth of meat spoilage moulds. J Food Sci Nutri 2020, 064.
- Samdal, I.A.; Strand, D.A.; Ballot, A.; Rusch, J.C.; Haande, S.; Løvberg, K.L.E.; Miles, C.O.; Vrålstad, T. Microcystins in European noble crayfish Astacus astacus in lake Steinsfjorden, a Planktothrix-dominated lake. Toxins 2020, 12, 298.
- Mathisen, G. H.; Alexander, J.; Fæste, C. K.; Husøy, T.; Katrine Knutsen, H.; Ørnsrud, R.; Steffensen, I.-L. A ranking method of chemical substances in foods for prioritisation of monitoring, based on health risk and knowledge gaps. Food Res Int 2020,137, 109499.
- Holzhauser, T.; Johnson, P.; Hindley, J. P.; O’Connor, G.; Chan, C.-H.; Costa, J.; Fæste, C. K.; Hirst, B. J.; Lambertini, F.; Miani, M.; Robert, M.-C.; Röder, M.; Ronsmans, S.; Bugyi, Z.; Tömösközi, S.; Flanagan, S. D. Are current analytical methods suitable to verify VITAL® 2.0/3.0 Allergen Reference doses for EU Allergens in Foods? Food Chem Toxicol 2020, 111709.
- Uhlig, S.; Ivanova, L.; Voorspoels, P.; Fæste, C.K. In vitro toxicokinetics and phase I biotransformation of the mycotoxin penitrem A in dogs. Toxins 2020, 12, 293.
- Mallia, V.; Ivanova, L.; Ballot, A.; Eriksen.; Harper, E.; Connolly, L.; Uhlig, S. Investigation of in vitro endocrine activities of Microcystis and Planktothrix cyanobacterial strains. Toxins 2020, 12, 228.
- Johny A, Berge GM, Bogevik AS, Krasnov A, Ruyter B, Fæste CK, Østbye T-KK. Sensitivity to dietary wheat gluten in Atlantic salmon indicated by gene expression changes in liver and intestine. Genes 2020, 11:1339.
- Johny A.; Ivanova L.; Østbye T-K.K.; Fæste C.K. Biotransformation of soy phytoestrogens in enzymatically characterized liver microsomes and primary hepatocytes of Atlantic salmon. Ecotoxicol Environ Safety 2020, 197: 110611.
- Fæste, C.K.; Tartor, H.; Moen, A.; Kristoffersen, A.B.; Dhanasiri, A.K.S.; Anonsen, J.H.; Furmanek, T.; Grove, S. Proteomic profiling of salmon skin mucus for the comparison of sampling methods. J Chrom B 2020, 1138, 121965.
- Uhlig, S., Ivanova, L., Miles, C.O. Oxidative Release of Thiol-Conjugated Forms of the Mycotoxin 4-Deoxynivalenol. Chem Res Toxicol 2020.
- Dhanasiri, A.K.S.; Chen, X.; Dahle, D.; Siriyappagouder, P.; Fæste, C.K.; Fernandes, J.M.O. Dietary inclusion of plant ingredients induces epigenetic changes in the intestine of zebrafish. Epigenetics 2020.
- Dhanasiri AKS, Johny A, Xue X, Berge GM, Bogevik AS, Rise ML, Fæste CK, Fernandes JMO (2020). Plant-based diets induce transcriptomic changes in muscle of zebrafish and Atlantic salmon. Front Genetics 2020, 11:1288.
- Sandvik, M.; Miles, C.O.; Wilkins, A.L.; Fæste, C. In vitro hepatic biotransformation of the algal toxin pectenotoxin-2. Toxicon: X 2020, 6, 100031.
- Solhaug, A.; Torgersen, M.L.; Holme, J.A.; Wiik-Nilsen, J.; Thiede, B.; Eriksen, G.S. The Fusarium mycotoxin, 2-Amino-14,16-dimethyloctadecan-3-ol (AOD) induces vacuolization in HepG2 cells. Toxicology 2020, 433–434, 152405.
- Samdal, I. A.; Edvardsen, B. Massive salmon mortalities during a Chrysochromulina leadbeateri bloom in Northern Norway. Harmful Algal News 2020, 64, 4–5.
- Kryuchkov, F.; Robertson, A.; Miles, C.O.; Mudge, E.M.; Uhlig, S. LC–HRMS and chemical derivatization strategies for the structure elucidation of Caribbean ciguatoxins: Identification of C-CTX-3 and -4. Marine Drugs 2020, 18, 182–195.
- Kim, H.-S.; Busman, M.; Brown, D.W.; Divon, H.; Lysøe, E.; Uhlig, S. Proctor, R. Identification and distribution of gene clusters putatively required for synthesis of sphingolipid metabolism inhibitors in phylogenetically diverse species of the filamentous fungus Fusarium, BMC Genomics 2020, 21, 510–533.
- Catteuw, A.; Devreese, M.; De Baere, S.; Antonissen, G.; Huybrechts, B.; Ivanova, L.; Uhlig, S; Martens, A.; De Saeger, S.; De Boevre, M.; Croubels, S. Toxicokinetic studies in piglets reveal age-related differences in systemic exposure to zearalenone, zearalenone-14-glucoside, and zearalenone-14-sulfate. J Agri Food Chem 2020, 68, 7757–7764.
- Mwihia, E.W.; Lyche, J.L.; Mbuthia, P.G.; Ivanova, L.; Uhlig, S.; Gathumbi, J.; Maina, J.G.; Eshitera, E.E.; Eriksen, G.S. Co-occurrence and levels of mycotoxins in fish feeds in Kenya. Toxins 2020, 12, 627–657.
- Berntsen, H.F.; Duale, N.; Bjørklund, C.G.; Rangel-Huerta, O.D.; Dyrberg, K.; Hofer T.; Rakkestad, K.; Østby G.; Halsne, R.; Boge G.; Paulsen, R.E.; Myhre, O, Ropstad, E. Effects of a human-based mixture of persistent organic pollutants on the in vivo exposed cerebellum and cerebellar neuronal cultures exposed in vitro. Environment Int 2020,146, 106240.
- Said, A.H.; Solhaug, A.; Sandvik, M.; Msuya, F.E.; Kyewalyanga, M.S.; Mmochi, A.J.; Lyche, J.L.; Hurem, S. Isolation of the Tephrosia vogelii extract and rotenoids and their toxicity in the RTgill-W1 trout cell line and in zebrafish embryos. Toxicon 2020, 183, 51–60.
- Nones, J.; Solhaug, A.; Riella, G.H.; Eriksen, G.S. Brazilian bentonite and a new modified bentonite material, BAC302, reduce zearalenone-induced cell death. World Mycotox J 2020, In Press.
- Mallia, V.; Verhaegen, S.; Styrishave, B.; Eriksen, G.S.; Johannsen, M.L.; Ropstad, E.; Uhlig, S. Microcystins and Microcystis aeruginosa PCC7806 extracts modulate steroidogenesis differentially in the human H295R adrenal model. PLOS ONE 2020, 15, e0244000.
- Rangel Huerta, O.D.; Ivanova, I.; Hytterød, S.; Moen, A.; Uhlig, S.; Hagen, A.G.; Olstad, K.; Fæste, C.K. Integrated Omics in salmon skin mucus for determining consequences of chloramine treatment against parasite infestation. J Integr Omics 2020, 341, 5–17.
- Divon HH, Bøe L, Tveit MMN, Klemsdal SS. Infection pathways and penetration modes of Fusarium langsethiae. Eur J Plant Pathol 2019, 154, 259–271.
- Samdal IA, Løvberg KE, Kristoffersen AB, Briggs LR, Kilcoyne J, Forsyth CJ, Miles CO. A practical ELISA for azaspiracids in shellfish via development of a new plate coating antigen. J Agric Food Chem 2019, 67, 2369–2376.
- Faeste CK, Pierre F, Ivanova L, Sayyari A, Massotte D. Behavioural and metabolomic changes from chronic dietary exposure to low-level deoxynivalenol reveal impact on mouse well-being. Arch Toxicol 2019, 93, 2087–2102.
- Oliveira CAF, Ivanova L, Solhaug A, Fæste CK. Effects of enniatin B1 on lysosomal stability and chaperone-mediated autophagy-related components in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Mycotox Res 2019, 36, 23–30.
- Houben G, Blom M, Alvito P, Assuncao R, Crevel R, Faeste CK, Le TM, Madsen CB, Remington B, Stroheker T, Vassilopoulou E, Verhoeckx K, Ziarovska J, Constable A. Defining the targets for the assessment of IgE-mediated allergenicity of new or modified food proteins. Food Chem Toxicol, 2019, 127, 61–69.
- Ivanova L, Denisov IG, Grinkova YV, Sligar SG, Faeste CK. Biotransformation of the mycotoxin enniatin B1 by CYP P450 3A4 and potential for drug-drug interactions. Metabolites 2019, 9, 158–175.
- Johny A, Faeste CK, Bogevik AS, Berge GM, Fernandes JMO, Ivanova L. Development and validation of a liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry method for the simultaneous determination of mycotoxins and phytoestrogens in plant-based fish feed and exposed fish. Toxins 2019, 11, 222–243.
- Ali, S.E., Songe, M.M., Skaar, I., 2019. Colorimetric assay for the in vitro evaluation of Saprolegnia biofilm inhibitors. J Fish Diseases 2019, 42, 1119-1124.
- Catteuw, A., Broekaert, N., De Baere, S., Lauwers, M., Gasthuys, E., Huybrechts, B., Callebaut, A., Ivanova, L., Uhlig, S., De Boevre, M., De Saeger, S., Gehring, R., Devreese, M., Croubels, S. Insights into in vivo absolute oral bioavailability, biotransformation, and toxicokinetics of zearalenone, α-zearalenol, β-zearalenol, zearalenone-14-glucoside, and zearalenone-14-sulfate in pigs. J Agric Food Chem 2019, 67, 3448–3458.
- Øya, E., Solhaug, A., Bølling, A.K., Øvstebø, R., Steensen, T.B., Afanou, A.K.J., Holme, J.A. Pro-inflammatory responses induced by A. fumigatus and A. versicolor in various human macrophage models. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2019, 82, 483–501.
- Rangel-Huerta, O.D., Gomez-Fernández, A., de la Torre-Aguilar, M.J., Gil, A., Perez-Navero, J.L., Flores-Rojas, K., Martín-Borreguero, P., Gil-Campos, M. Metabolic profiling in children with autism spectrum disorder with and without mental regression: preliminary results from a cross-sectional case–control study. Metabolomics 2019, 15, 99.
- Rangel-Huerta, O.D., Pastor-Villaescusa, B., Gil, A. Are we close to defining a metabolomic signature of human obesity? A systematic review of metabolomics studies. Metabolomics 2019, 15, 93.
- Urbaniak, M., Stępień, Ł., Uhlig, S. Evidence for naturally produced beauvericins containing N-methyl-tyrosine in hypocreales fungi. Toxins 2019, 11, 182.
- Catteuw, A., Devreese, M., De Baere, S., Antonissen, G., Ivanova, L., Uhlig, S., Martens, A., De Saeger, S., De Boevre, M., Croubels, S. Investigation of age-related differences in toxicokinetic processes of deoxynivalenol and deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside in weaned piglets. Archives of Toxicology 2019.
- Hagman, C.H.C., Rohrlack, T., Uhlig, S., Hostyeva, V. Heteroxanthin as a pigment biomarker for Gonyostomumsemen (Raphidophyceae). PlosOne 2019, 14, e0226650.
- Mallia, V., Uhlig, S., Rafuse, C., Meija, J., Miles, C.O. Novel microcystins from Planktothrix prolifica NIVA-CYA 544 identified by LC-MS/MS, functional group derivatization and 15N-labeling. Marine Drugs 2019, 17, 643.
- Ivanova L, Tartor H, Grove S, Kristoffersen AB, Uhlig S. Workflow for the targeted and untargeted detection of small metabolites in fish skin mucus. Fishes 2018, 3, 21–34.
- Foss A, Miles CO, Samdal IA, Løvberg KE, Wilkins AL, Rise F, Jaabæk JAH, McGowan PC, Aubel MT. Analysis of free and metabolized microcystins in samples following a bird mortality event. Harmful Algae 2018, 80, 117-129.
- Sayyari A, Uhlig S, Fæste CK, Framstad T, Sivertsen T. Transfer of deoxynivalenol (DON) in placenta and milk of gestating and lactating sows. Toxins 2018, 10, 517-538.
- Miles CO, Kilcoyne J, McCarron P, Giddings SD, Waaler T, Rundberget T, Samdal IA, Løvberg KE. Selective extraction and purification of azaspiracids from blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) using boric acid gel. J Agric Food Chem 2018, 66, 2962-2969.
- Leonardo S, Kilcoyne J, Samdal IA, Miles CO, O’Sullivan CK, Diogene J, Campas M. Detection of azaspiracids in mussels using electrochemical immunosensors for fast screening in monitoring programs. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2018, 262, 818-827.
- Rambla-Alegre M, Miles CO, de Iglesia P, Fernandez-Tejedor M, Jacobs S, Sioen I, Verbeke W, Samdal IA, Sandvik M, Barbosa VL, Tediosi A, Madorran E, Granby K, Kotterman M, Calis T, Diogene J. Occurrence of cyclic imines in European commercial seafood and consumers risk assessment. Environmental Research 2018, 161, 392-398.
- Ivanova L, Faeste CK, Solhaug A. Role of P-glycoprotein in deoxynivalenol-mediated in vitro toxicity. Toxicol Lett 2018, 284, 21-28.
- Fæste CK, Ivanova L, Sayyari A, Hansen U, Sivertsen T, Uhlig S. Prediction of deoxynivalenol toxicokinetics in humans by in vitro-to-in vivo extrapolation and allometric scaling of in vivo animal data. Arch Toxicol 2018, 92:2195-2216.
- Sayyari A, Fæste CK, Hansen U, Uhlig S, Framstad T, Schatzmayr D, Sivertsen T. Effects and biotransformation of the mycotoxin 4-deoxynivalenol (DON) in growing pigs fed naturally-contaminated grain pelleted with and without the addition of Coriobacteriaceum DSM 11798. J. Food Add Contam A 2018, 1-16.
- Remington B, Blom WM, Broekman HCH, Capt A, Crevell R, Dimitrov I, Fæste CK, Fernandez-Canton R, Fernandez-Dumont A, Giavi S, Houben GF, Glenn KC, Madsen CB, Kruizinga AK, Constable A. Approaches to assess IgE mediated allergy risks (sensitization and cross-reactivity) from new or modified dietary proteins. Food Chem Tox, 2018, 112:97-107
- Falk M, Bernhoft A, Framstad T, Salbu B, Wisløff H, Kortner TM, Kristoffersen AB, Oropeza-Moe M. 2018. Effects of dietary sodium selenite and organic selenium sources on immune and inflammatory responses and selenium disposition in growing pigs. J Trace Elem Med Biol 50: 527-536.
- Moldal T, Bernhoft A, Rosenlund G, Kaldhusdal M, Koppang EO. 2018. Dietary deoxynivalenol (DON) impairs the epithelial barrier and modulates the cytokine signaling in the intestine of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Toxins 10: 376, 11 pp.
- Bernhoft A, Høgåsen HR, Rosenlund G, Moldal T, Grove S, Berntssen MHG, Thoresen SI, Alexander J. 2018. Effects of dietary deoxynivalenol or ochratoxin A on performance and selected health indices in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Food Chem Toxicol 121: 374-386.
- Schirmer BCT, J Wiik-Nielsen and I Skaar. 2018. The mycobiota of the production environments of traditional Norwegian salted and dried mutton (pinnekjøtt). International Journal of Food Microbiology 276, 39-45.
- Grytting, VS., Olderbø, BP., Holme, JA., Samuelsen, JT., Solhaug, A., Becher, R., Bølling, AK. Di-n-butyl phthalate modifies PMA-induced macrophage differentiation of THP-1 monocytes via PPARγ. Toxicology in vitro, 2018. 12; 54: 168-177.
- Leonardo, S.; Rambla-Alegre, M.; Samdal, I. A.; Miles, C. O.; Kilcoyne, J.; Diogene, J.; O’Sullivan, C. K.; Campas, M. “Immunorecognition magnetic supports for the development of an electrochemical immunoassay for azaspiracid detection in mussels“. Biosensors & bioelectronics 2017, 92, 200-206.
- Handeland, K., Vikøren, T., Josefsen, T., Valdecanas, B., Uhlig, S. Yew (Taxus) intoxication in free-ranging cervids. PlosOne 2017, 12 (12), 1–10.
- Øya, E., Afanou, A.K.J., Malla, N, Uhlig, S., Rolen, E., Skaar, I., Straumfors, A., Winberg, J.O., Bang, B.E., Schwarze, P.E., Eduard, W., Holme, J.A. Characterization and pro-inflammatory responses of spore and hyphae samples from various mold species. Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2017, 28, 28–39.
- Uhlig, S., Stanic, A., Hussain, F., Miles, C.O. Selectivity of commercial immunoaffinity columns for modified forms of the mycotoxin 4-deoxynivalenol (DON), Journal of Chromatography B 2017, 1061–1062, 322–326.
- Ivanova, L., Uhlig, S., Devreese, M., Croubels, S., Fæste, C.K. Biotransformation of the mycotoxin enniatin B1 in pigs: a comparative in vitro and in vivo approach, Food and Chemical Toxicology 2017, 105, 506–517.
- Moldes-Anaya, A., Sæther, T., Uhlig, S., Nebb, H.I., Larsen, T., Eilertsen, H.C., Paulsen, S.M. Two isomeric C16 oxo-fatty acids from the diatom Chaetoceros karianus show isoform-specific agonist activity towards human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), Marine Drugs 2017, 15, 148–163.
- Ivanova, L., Sahlstrøm, S., Rud, I., Uhlig, S., Fæste, C.K., Eriksen, G.S., Divon, H. Effect of primary processing on the distribution of free and modified Fusarium mycotoxins in naturally contaminated oats, World Mycotoxin Journal 2017, 10, 73–88.
- Egaas, E.; Samdal, I. A.; Miles, C. O. “Klimaendringer kan medføre introduksjon av nye alger og bakterier”. Norsk Fiskeoppdrett 2017, 58-59.
- Bernhoft, A., Høgåsen, H.R., Rosenlund, G., Ivanova, L., Berntssen, M.H.G., Alexander, J., Eriksen, G.S., Fæste, C.K. Tissue distribution and elimination of deoxynivalenol and ochratoxin A in dietary exposed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Food Addit. Contam. Part A Chem. Anal. Control Expo. Risk Assess. 2017, 34.
- Bolling, A.K., Solhaug, A., Morisbak, E., Holme, J.A., Samuelsen, J.T. The dental monomer hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) counteracts lipopolysaccharide-induced IL-1beta release-Possible role of glutathione. Toxicol Lett 2017, 270, 25-33.
- Nones, J., Solhaug, A., Eriksen, G.S., Macuvele, D.L.P., Poli, A., Soares, C., Trentin, A.G., Riella, H.G., Nones, J. Bentonite modified with zinc enhances aflatoxin B1 adsorption and increase survival of fibroblasts (3T3) and epithelial colorectal adenocarcinoma cells (Caco-2). J Hazard Mater 2017, 337, 80-89
- Ademi A, Bernhoft A, Govasmark E, Bytyqi H, Sivertsen T, Singh BR. 2017. Selenium and other mineral concentrations in feed and sheep’s blood in Kosovo. Transl Anim Sci 1: 97-107.

Sandvik, M., Samdal, I.A., Løvberg, K.E., Waaler, T., Kilcoyne, J., Miles, C.O. Azaspiracids and other “emerging” algal toxins in crabs at Frøya, Norway, Poster presented at ECsafeSEAFOOD final conference: Seafood safety: new findings & innovation challenges, Brussels, Belgium, 25.–26. January 2017

Sandvik, M., Samdal, I.A., Fæste, C.K., Miles, C.O. In vitro biotransformasjon of algal toxins. 11th International Conference on Molluscan Shellfish Safety (ICMSS). Galway, Ireland, 14.–18. May 2017
- Fæste, C.K.; Moen, A.; Schniedewind, B.; Anonsen, J.H.; Klawitter, J.; Christians, U. Development of a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the quantitation of Anisakis simplex proteins in food products. Journal of Chromatography A 2016, 1432, 58-72.
- Uhlig, S.; Negård, M.; Heldal, K.K.; Straumfors, A.; Madsø, B.; Bakke, B.; Eduard, W. Profiling of 3-hydroxy fatty acids as environmental markers of endotoxin using liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 2016, 1434, 119-126.
- Frandsen, R.N.; Rasmussen, S.A.; Knudsen, P.B.; Uhlig, S.; Petersen, D.; Lysøe, E.; Gotfredsen, C.H.; Giese, H.; Larsen, T.O. Black perithecial pigmentation in Fusarium species is due to the accumulation of 5-deoxybostrycoidin-based melanin. Scientific Reports 2016, 6, 26206-26220.
- Wangensteen H.; Ho, G.T.T., Tadesse, M.; Miles, C.O.; Moussavi, N.; Mikolo, B.; Malterud, K.E. A new benzophenanthridine alkaloid and other bioactive constituents from the stem bark of Zanthoxylum heitzii. Fitoterapia 2016, 109, 196-200.
- Uhlig, S.; Ivanova, L.; Fæste, C.K. Enzyme-assisted synthesis and structural characterization of the 3-, 8-, and 15-glucuronides of deoxynivalenol. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2016, 64, 3732-3732.
- Stanic, A.; Uhlig, S.; Solhaug, A.; Rise, F.; Wilkins, A.L.; Miles, C.O. Preparation and characterization of cysteine adducts of deoxynivalenol. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2016, 64, 4777−4785.
- Stanic, A.; Uhlig, S.; Sandvik, M.; Rise, F.; Wilkins, A.L.; Miles, C.O. Characterization of deoxynivalenol–glutathione conjugates using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and liquid chromatography–high resolution mass spectrometry. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2016, 64, 6903-6910.
- Solhaug, A.; Karlsoen, L.M.; Holme, J.A.; Kristoffersen, A.B.; Eriksen, G.S. Immunomodulatory effects of individual and combined mycotoxins in the THP-1 cell line. Toxicology In Vitro 2016, 36, 120-132.
- Solhaug, A.; Eriksen, G.S.; Holme, J.A.; Mechanisms of action and toxicity of the mycotoxin alternariol: A review. Basic Clinical and Pharmacological Toxicology, accepted.
- Puddick, J.; Miles, C.O.; Prinsep, M.R. Adaptation of microcystin thiol derivatization for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry analysis. Toxicon 2016, 109, 13-17.
- Pasquali, M.; Beyer, M.; Logrieco, A.; Audenaert, K.; Balmas, V.; Basler, R.; Boutigny, A.L.; Chrpova, J.; Czembor, E.; Gagkaeva, T.; et al. A European database of Fusarium graminearum and F. culmorum trichothecene genotypes. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016, 7-17.
- Miles, C.O.; Sandvik, M.; Nonga, H.E.; Ballot, A.; Wilkins, A.L.; Rise, F.; Jaabæk, J.A.H.; Loader, J.I. Conjugation of microcystins with thiols is reversible: base-catalyzed deconjugation for chemical analysis. Chemical Research in Toxicology 2016, 29, 860-870.
- Klionsky, D.J., et al., 2016. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition). Autophagy 12, 1-222.
- Brodal G, Hofgaard IS, Eriksen GS, Bernhoft A, Sundheim L. 2016. Mycotoxins in organically versus conventionally produced cereal grains and some other crops in temperate regions. World Mycotox J
- Høgåsen HR, Ørnsrud R, Knutsen HK, Bernhoft A. 2016. Lead intoxication in dogs: risk assessment of feeding dogs trimmings of lead-shot game. BMC Vet Res 12: 152, 8 pp.
- Straumfors, A.; Uhlig, S.; Eriksen, G.S.; Heldal, K.K.; Eduard, W.; Krska, R.; Sulyok, M. Mycotoxins and other fungal metabolites in grain dust from Norwegian grain elevators and compound feed mills. World Mycotoxin Journal 2015, 8, 361-373.
- Negård, M.; Uhlig, S.; Kauserud, H.; Andersen, T.; Høiland, K.; Vrålstad, T. Indole-alkaloid profiles in Norwegian Claviceps purpurea populations – relationships between chemoraces, genetic groups and ecology, Toxins 2015, 7, 1431-1456.
- Aamot, H.U.; Ward, T.J.; Brodal, G.; Vrålstad, V.; Larsen, G.B.; Klemsdal, S.; Elameen, A.; Uhlig, S.; Hofgaard, I.S. Genetic and phenotypic diversity within the Fusarium graminearumspecies complex in Norway, European Journal of Plant Pathology 2015, 142, 501-519.
- Stanic, A.; Uhlig, S.; Solhaug, A.; Rise, F.; Wilkins, A.; Miles, C.O. Nucleophilic addition of thiols to deoxynivalenol, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2015, 63, 7556-7566.
- Frizzell, C.; Uhlig, S.; Miles, C.O.; Verhaegen, S.; Elliott, C.T.; Eriksen, G.S.; Sørlie, M.; Ropstad, E.; Connolly, L. Biotransformation of zearalenone and zearalenols to their major glucuronide metabolites reduces estrogenic activity, Toxicology In Vitro 2015, 29, 575-581.
- Huybrechts, B.; Martins, J.C.; Debongnie, P.; Uhlig, S.; Callebaut, A. Fast and sensitive LC–MS/MS method measuring human mycotoxin exposure using biomarkers in urine, Archives in Toxicology 2015, 89, 1993-2005.
- Kilcoyne, J.; Twiner, M.J.; McCarron, P.; Crain, S.; Giddings, S.D.; Foley, B.; Rise, F.; Hess, P.; Wilkins, A. L.; Miles, C.O. Structure elucidation, relative LC-MS response and in vitro toxicity of azaspiracids 7−10 isolated from blue mussels (Mytilus edulis). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2015, 63, 5083–5091.
- Samdal, I.A.; Løvberg, K.E.; Briggs, L.R.; Kilcoyne, J.; Xu, J.; Forsyth, C.J.; Miles, C.O.; Development of an ELISA for the detection of azaspiracids. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2015, 63, 7855−7861.
- Puddick, J.; Miles, C.O.; Prinsep, M.R. Adaptation of microcystin thiol derivatization for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry analysis. Toxicon 2015, 109, 13–17.
- Kilcoyne, J.; McCarron, P.; Hess, P.; Miles, C.O. Effects of heating on proportions of azaspiracids 1−10 in mussels (Mytilus edulis) and identification of carboxylated precursors for azaspiracid-5, -10, -13 and -15. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2015 (in press).
- Fæste, C.K.; Plassen, C.; Løvberg, K.E.; Moen, A.; Egaas, E. Detection of proteins from the fish parasite Anisakis simplex in Norwegian farmed salmon and processed fish products. Food Analytical Methods 2015, 8, 1390-1402.
- Fæste, C.K.; Levsen, A.; Lin, A.H.; Larsen, N.; Plassen, C.; Moen, A.; Van Do, T.; Egaas, E. Fish feed as source of potentially allergenic peptides from the fish parasite Anisakis simplex(sl). Animal Feed Science and Technology 2015, 202, 52-61.
- Solhaug, A.; Wisbech,C.; Christoffersen, T.E.; Hult, L.O.; Lea, T.; Eriksen, G.S.; Holme, J. The mycotoxin alternariol induces DNA damage and modify macrophage phenotype and inflammatory responses. Toxicology Letters 2015, 239, 9-21.
- Sivertsen T, Garmo TH, Lierhagen S, Bernhoft A, Steinnes E. 2015. Geographical and botanical variation in concentrations of copper, molybdenum, sulphur and iron in sheep pasture plants in Norway. Acta Agric Scand Sect A, 1-10.
- Sivertsen T, Garmo TH, Lierhagen S, Bernhoft A, Steinnes E. 2015. Geographical and botanical variation in concentrations of selenium, cobalt, zinc, iodine and other essential elements in sheep pasture plants in Norway. Acta Agric Scand Sect A, 1-10.
- Oropeza-Moe M, Wisløff H, Bernhoft A. 2015. Selenium deficiency assiociated porcine and human cardiomyopathies. J Trace Elem Med Biol 31: 148-156.
- Ademi A, Govasmark E, Bernhoft A, Bytyqi H, Djikic M, Manojlovic M, Loncaric Z, Drinic M, Filipovic A, Singh BR. 2015. Status of selenium in sheep and dairy cow blood in Western Balkan countries. Acta Agric Scand Sect A, 1-8.
- Ballot, A.; Sandvik, M.; Rundberget, T.; Botha, C.J.; Miles, C.O. Diversity of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in Hartebeespoort Dam, South Africa. Marine and Freshwater Research 2014, 65, 175–189.
- Bertelsen,R.J.; Fæste,C.K.; Granum,B.; Egaas,E., London, SJ, Carlsen,K.-H., Lødrup Carlsen, K.C.; Løvik,M. Food allergens in mattress dust in Norwegian homes; a potentially important source of allergen exposure. Clin Exp Allergy 2014, 44, 142-149.
- Fæste,C.K.; Jonscher,K.R.; Dooper,M.M.W.B.; Egge-Jacobsen,W.M.; Moen,A.; Daschner,A.; Egaas,E.; Christians,U. Characterization of potential novel allergens in the fish parasite Anisakis simplex. EuPa Open Proteomics J. 2014, 4, 140-155.
- Fæste,C.K.; Plassen,C.; Løvberg,K.E.; Moen,A.; Egaas,E. Determination of the fish parasite Anisakis simplex in Norwegian farmed salmon and processed fish products. Food Analyt. Meth. 2014, DOI 10.1007/s12161-014-0003-8.
- Hellyer, S.D.; Selwood, A.I.; van Ginkel, R.; Munday, R.; Sheard, P.; Miles, C.O.; Rhodes, L.; Kerr, D.S. In vitro labelling of muscle type nicotinic receptors using a fluorophore-conjugated pinnatoxin F derivative. Toxicon 2014, 87, 17-25.
- Hess, P.; McCarron, P.; Krock, B.; Kilcoyne, J.; Miles, C.O., 2014. Azaspiracids: chemistry, biosynthesis, metabolism, and detection. In: Botana, L.M. (Ed.), Seafood and Freshwater Toxins. Phamacology, Physiology, and Detection. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 799-822.
- Holme,JA.; Nyvold,HE.; Tat,V.; Arlt,VM.; Bhargava,A.; Gutzkow,KB.; Solhaug,A.; Låg,M.; Becher,R.; Schwarze,PE.; Ask,K.; Ekeren,L.; Øvrevik.J. Mechanisms linked to differences in the mutagenic potensial of 1,3-dinitropyrene and 1,8-dinitropyrene. Toxicology Reports 2014, 1, 495-473.
- Ivanova,L.; Fæste,C.K.; Delezie,E.; Van Pamel,E.; Daeseleire,E.; Callebaut,A.; Uhlig,S. Presence of enniatin B and its hepatic metabolites in plasma and liver samples from broilers and eggs from laying hens. World Mycotox J 2014, 7, 167-175.
- Kilcoyne, J.; McCarron, P.; Twiner, M.J.; Nulty, C.; Crain, S.; Quilliam, M.A.; Rise, F.; Wilkins, A.L.; Miles, C.O. Epimers of Azaspiracids: Isolation, Structural Elucidation, Relative LC-MS Response, and in Vitro Toxicity of 37-epi-Azaspiracid-1. Chemical Research in Toxicology 2014, 27, 587-600.
- Kilcoyne, J.; Nulty, C.; Jauffrais, T.; McCarron, P.; Herve, F.; Foley, B.; Rise, F.; Crain, S.; Wilkins, A.L.; Twiner, M.J.; Hess, P.; Miles, C.O. Isolation, Structure Elucidation, Relative LC-MS Response, and in Vitro Toxicity of Azaspiracids from the Dinoflagellate Azadinium spinosum. Journal of Natural Products 2014, 77, 2465-2474.
- Miles, C.O.; Melanson, J.E.; Ballot, A. Sulfide Oxidations for LC-MS Analysis of Methionine-Containing Microcystins in Dolichospermum flos-aquae NIVA-CYA 656. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48, 13307-13315.
- Polder, A.; Mueller, M.B.; Lyche, J.L.; Mdegela, R.H.; Nonga, H.E.; Mabiki, F.P.; Mbise, T.J.; Skaare, J.U.; Sandvik, M.; Skjerve, E.; Lie, E. Levels and patterns of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) from four different lakes in Tanzania: Geographical differences and implications for human health. Science of the Total Environment 2014, 488, 252-260.
- Samdal, I.A.; Ballot, A.; Løvberg, K.E.; Miles, C.O. Multihapten approach leading to a sensitive ELISA with broad cross-reactivity to microcystins and nodularin. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48, 8035-8043.
- Solhaug, A.; Torgersen, M.L.; Holme, J.A.; Lagadic-Gossmann, D.; Eriksen, G.S. Autophagy and senescence, stress responses induced by the DNA-damaging mycotoxin alternariol. Toxicology 2014, 326, 119-129.
- Uhlig, S.; Egge-Jacobsen, W.; Vrålstad, T.; Miles, C.O. Indole–diterpenoid profiles of Claviceps paspali and Claviceps purpurea from high-resolution Fourier transform Orbitrap mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 2014, 28, 1621-1634.
- Uhlig, S.; Hussain, F.; Wisløff, H. Bioassay-guided fractionation of extracts from Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum) flowers reveals unprecedented structural variability of steroidal glycoalkaloids. Toxicon 2014, 92, 42-49.
- Yazdankhah S, Rudi K, Bernhoft A. 2014. Zinc and copper in animal feed – development of resistance and co-resistance to antimicrobial agents in bacteria of animal origin. Microbial Ecol Health Dis 25: 25862.
- Solhaug, A.; Holme, J.A.; Haglund, K.; Dendele, B.; Sergent, O., et al. Alternariol induces abnormal nuclear morphology and cell cycle arrest in murine RAW 264.7 macrophages. Toxicology Letters 2013, 219, 8-17.
- Uhlig, S.; Ivanova, L.; Fæste, C.K. Enzyme-assisted synthesis and structural characterization of the 3‑, 8‑, and 15-glucuronides of deoxynivalenol. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2013, 61, 2006-2012.
- Sarkanj, B.; Warth, B.; Uhlig, S.; Abia, W.A.; Sulyok, M.; Klapec, T.; Krska, R.; Banjari, I. Urinary analysis reveals high deoxynivalenol exposure in pregnant women from Croatia. Food and Chemical Toxicology 2013, 62, 231-237.
- Ivanova, L.; Fæste, C.K.; Delezie, E.; Van Pamel, E.; Daeseleire, E.; Callebaut, A.; Uhlig, S. Presence of enniatin B and its hepatic metabolites in plasma and liver samples from broilers and eggs from laying hens. World Mycotoxin Journal, in press.
- Uhlig, S.; Eriksen, G.S.; Hofgaard, I.S.; Krska, R.; Beltran, E.; Sulyok, M. Faces of a changing climate: Semi-quantitative multi-mycotoxin analysis of grain grown in exceptional climatic conditions in Norway. Toxins 2013, 5, 1682-1697. open access
- Jauffrais, T.; Kilcoyne, J.; Herrenknecht, C.; Truquet, P.; Séchet, V.; Miles, C.O.; Hess, P. Dissolved azaspiracids are absorbed and metabolized by blue mussels (Mytilus edulis). Toxicon 2013, 65, 81–89.
- Miles, C.O.; Sandvik, M.; Nonga, H.E.; Rundberget, T.; Wilkins, A.L.; Rise, F.; Ballot, A. Identification of microcystins in a Lake Victoria cyanobacterial bloom using LC-MS with thiol derivatization. Toxicon 2013, 70, 21–31.
- Miles, C.O.; Sandvik, M.; Haande, S.; Nonga, H.E.; Ballot, A. LC-MS analysis with thiol derivatization to differentiate [Dhb7]- from [Mdha7]-microcystins: analysis of cyanobacterial blooms, Planktothrix cultures and European crayfish from Lake Steinsfjorden, Norway. Environmental Science and Technology 2013, 47, 4080–4087.
- Leighfield, T.A.; Muha, N.; Miles, C.O.; Ramsdell, J.S. Semisynthesis of radiolabeled amino acid and lipid brevetoxin metabolites and their blood elimination kinetics in C57BL/6 mice. Chemical Research in Toxicology 2013, 26, 868–877.
- Puddick, J.; Prinsep, M. R.; Wood, S.A.; Miles, C.O.; Rise, F.; Cary, S.C.; Hamilton, D.P.; Wilkins, A.L. Structural characterization of new microcystins containing tryptophan and oxidized tryptophan residues. Marine Drugs 2013, 11, 3025–3045.
- Korsnes, M.S.; Espenes, A.; Hermansen, L.C.; Loader, J.I.; Miles, C.O. Cytotoxic responses in BC3H1 myoblast cell lines exposed to 1-desulfoyessotoxin. Toxicology In Vitro 2013, 27, 1962–1969.
- Hess, P.; Abadie, E.; Hervé, F. Berteaux, T.; Séchet, V.; Aràoz, R. Molgó; Zakarian, A.; Sibat, A.; Rundberget, T.; Miles, C.O.; Amzil, Z. Pinnatoxin G is responsible for atypical toxicity in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and clams (Venerupis decussata) from Ingril, a French Mediterranean lagoon. Toxicon 2013, 75, 16–26.
- Myrset, H; Fæste, C.K.; Kristiansen, P.; Dooper, M.M.W.B. Mapping of the immunodominant regions of shrimp tropomyosin Pan b 1 by human IgE binding and IgE-receptor crosslinking studies. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 2013, 162, 25-38.
- Eriksen, G.S.; Moldes-Anaya, A.; Fæste, C.K. Penitrem A and analogues: Toxicokinetics, toxicodynamics including mechanism of action and clinical significance. World Mycotoxin Journal 2013, 6, 263-272.
- Levsen, A.; Faeste, C.K.; Lin, A.H.; Van Do, T.; Florvag, E.; Egaas, E. Consumer health risk posed by Anisakis simplex in Northern Europe – an update. Tropical Medicine and International Health 2013, 18, 49.
- Bertelsen, R.J.; Fæste, C.K.; Lødrup Carlsen, K.C.; Egaas, E.; Carlsen, K.-H.; Granum, B.; Løvik, M. Food allergens in mattress dust in Norwegian homes; a significant source of allergen exposure? Clinical and Experimental Allergy 2013, 3, S3, O3
- Myreset, H. R., Barletta, B., Di Felice, G., Egaas, E., Dooper, M. M. B. W. Structural and immunological characterization of recombinant Pan b 1, a major allergen of Northern Shrimp, Pandalus borealis. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 2013, 160, 221-232.
- Meltzer HM, Dahl H, Brantsæter A-L, Birgisdottir BE, Knutsen HK, Bernhoft A, Oftedahl, B, Lande US, Alexander J, Haugen M, Ydersbond TA. 2013.Consumption of lead-shot cervid meat and blood lead concentrations in a group of adult Norwegians. Environ Res 127: 29-39.
Santini, A.; Meca, G.; Uhlig, S.; Ritieni, A. Fusaproliferin, beauvericin and enniatins: Occurrence in food – a review. World Mycotoxin Journal 2012, 5, 71-81.
Busk, Ø. L.; Frizzell, C.; Verhaegen; S.; Uhlig, S.; Connolly, L.; Ropstad, E.; Sørlie, M. Cytosol protein regulation in H295R steroidogenesis model induced by the zearalenone metabolites, α-and β-zearalenol. Toxicon 2012, 59, 17-24.
- Gammelsrud, A.; Solhaug, A.; Dendele, B.; Sandberg, W. J.; Ivanova, L.; Kobach Bølling, A.; Lagadic-Gossmann, D.; Refsnes, M.; Becher, R.; Eriksen, G. S.; Holme, J. A. Enniatin B-induced cell death and inflammatory responses in RAW 264.7 murine macrophages. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 2012, 261, 74-87.
- Ramm, J.; Lupu, A.; Hadas, O.; Ballot, A., Rücker, J.; Wiedner, C.; Sukenik, A. A CARD-FISH protocol for the identification and enumeration of cyanobacterial akinetes in lake sediments. FEMS Microbiology Ecology (in press).
Holme, J. A.; Gammelsrud, A.; Dendele, B.; Sandberg, W.; Lagadic-Gossmann, D.; Refsnes, M.; Becher, R.; Eriksen, G. S.; Solhaug, A. Mycotoxin-induced cell death and inflammatory responses in macrophages. Toxicology Letters 2012, 211, 133-134.
Bernhoft, A.; Torp, M.; Clasen, P.-E.; Loes, A. K.; Kristoffersen, A. B. Influence of agronomic and climatic factors on Fusarium infestation and mycotoxin contamination of cereals in Norway. Food Additives and Contaminants Part A – Chemistry, Analysis, Exposure & Risk Assessment 2012, 29, 1129-1140.
Butler, S. C.; Miles, C. O.; Karim, A.; Twiner, M. J. Inhibitory effects of pectenotoxins from marine algae on the polymerization of various actin isoforms. Toxicology In Vitro 2012, 26, 493−499.
Kilcoyne, J.; Keogh, A.; Clancy, G.; LeBlanc, P.; Burton, I.; Quilliam, M. A.; Hess, P.; Miles, C. O. Improved isolation procedure for azaspiracids from shellfish, structural elucidation of azaspiracid-6 and stability studies. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2012, 60, 2447–2455.
Jauffrais, T.; Herrenknecht, C.; Séchet, V.; Sibat, M.; Tillmann, U.; Krock, B.; Kilcoyne, J.; Miles, C. O.; McCarron, P.; Amzil, Z.; Hess, P. Quantitative analysis of azaspiracids in Azadinium spinosum cultures. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2012, 403, 833–846.
Jauffrais, T.; Kilcoyne, J.; Séchet, V.; Herrenknecht, C.; Truquet, P.; Hervé, F.; Bérard, J. B.; Nulty, C.; Taylor, S.; Tillmann, U.; Miles, C. O.; Hess, P. Production and isolation of azaspiracid-1 and -2 from Azadinium spinosum culture in pilot scale photobioreactors. Marine Drugs 2012, 10, 1360–1382.
Miles, C. O.; Sandvik, M.; Nonga,H. E.; Rundberget, T.; Wilkins, A. L.; Rise, F.; Ballot, A. Thiol derivatization for LC-MS identification of microcystins in complex matrices. Environmental Science and Technology 2012, 46, 8937–8944.
Ivanova, L.; Egge-Jacobsen, W. M.; Solhaug, A.; Thoen, E.; Fæste, C. K. Lysosomes as a possible target of enniatin B-induced toxicity in caco-2 cells.Chemical Research in Toxicology 2012, 25, 1662-74.
Ndossi, D. G.; Frizzell, C.; Tremoen, N. H.; Fæste, C. K.; Verhaegen, S.; Dahl, E.; Eriksen, G. S.; Sørlie, M.; Connolly, L.; Ropstad, E. An in vitro investigation of endocrine disrupting effects of trichothecenes deoxynivalenol (DON), T-2 and HT-2 toxins. Toxicology Letters (in press).
Uhlig, S.; Busman, M.; Shane, D. S.; Rønning, H.; Rise, F.; Proctor, R. Identification of early fumonisin biosynthetic intermediates by inactivation of the FUM6 gene in Fusarium verticillioides. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2012, 60, 10293-10301.
Eriksen, G. S.; Rundberget, T.; Wigestrand, M. B.; Fonnum, F.; Bernhoft, A.; Moldes-Anaya, A. Poisoning by Penicillium toxins-Clinical and brain receptor effects. Toxicology Letters 2012, 211, 58-59.
Solhaug, A.; Holme, J. A.; Vines, L. L.; Spilsberg, B.; Pestka, J.J.; Haglund, K.; Dendele, B.; Lagadic-Gossmann, D.; Eriksen, G. S. Alternariol-induced ROS causes DNA damage and accumulation in the G2/M transition. Toxicology Letters 2012, 211, 119-119.
Keune, H.; Gutleb, A. C.; Zimmer, K. E.; Ravnum, S.; Yang, A.; Bartonova, A.; Krayer von Krauss, M.; Ropstad, E.; Eriksen, G. S.; Saunders, M.; Magnanti, B.; Forsberg, B. We’re only in it for the knowledge? A problem solving turn in environment and health expert elicitation. Environmental Health 2012, 11(Suppl 1), S3.
Zimmer, K.; Gutleb, A.; Ravnum, S.; Krayer von Krauss, M.; Murk, A. J.; Ropstad, E.; Skaare, J. U.; Eriksen, G. S.; Lyche, J. L.; Koppe, J. G.; Magnanti, B. L.; Yang, A.; Bartonova, A.; Keune H. Policy relevant results from an expert elicitation on the health risks of phthalates. Environmental Health 2012, 11(Suppl 1), S6.
Ravnum, S.; Zimmer, K. E.; Keune, H.; Gutleb, A. C.; Murk, A. J.; Koppe, J. G.; Magnanti, B.; Lyche, J. L.; Eriksen, G. S.; Ropstad, E.; Skaare, J. U.; Kobernus, M.; Yang, A.; Bartonova, A.; Krayer von Krauss, M. Policy relevant results from an expert elicitation on the human health risks of decabromodiphenyl ether (decaBDE) and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD). Environmental Health 2012, 11(Suppl 1), S7.
- Ansteinson, V.; Solhaug, A.; Samuelsen, J. T.; Holme, J. A.; Dahl, J. E. DNA damage, cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis induced in BEAS-2B cells by 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA). Mutation Research 2011, 723, 158-164.
- Ballot, A.; Ramm, J.; Rundberget, T.; Kaplan-Levy R. N.; Hadas, O.; Sukenik, A.; Wiedner, C. Occurrence of non-cylindrospermopsin-producing Aphanizomenon ovalisporum and Anabaena bergii in Lake Kinneret (Israel). Journal of Plankton Research 2011, 33, 1736-1746. Abstract
- Namork, E.; Fæste, C. K.; Stensby, B. A., Egaas, E., Løvik, M. Severe allergic reactions to food in Norway: A ten year survey of cases reported to the Food Allergy Register. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2011, 8, 3144-3155. Abstract
- Fæste, C. K.; Ivanova, I.; Uhlig, S. In vitro metabolism and inhibition studies of the mycotoxin enniatin B in different species. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 2011, 39, 1768-1776..
- Rundberget, T.; Aasen, J.A.B.; Selwood, A.I.Miles, C.O. Pinnatoxins and spirolides in Norwegian blue mussels and sea water. Toxicon 2011, in press.
- Uhlig, S.; Kaldhusdal, M.; Gjevre, A.-G. LC-MS-MS determination of gizzerosine in poultry feed. Chromatographia 2011, 74, 133-138.
- Ivanova, I.; Fæste, C. K.; Uhlig, S. In vitro phase I metabolism of the depsipeptide enniatin B. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2011, 400, 2889-2901.
- McCarron, P.; Emteborg, H.; Nulty, C.; Rundberget, T.; Loader, J.I.; Miles, C.O.; Emons, H.; Quilliam, M.A.Hess, P. A mussel tissue certified reference material for multiple phycotoxins. Part 1: design and preparation. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2011, 400, 821-833.
- Aasen, J. A. B.; Espenes, A.; Miles, C. O.; Samdal, I. A.; Hess, P.; Aune, T. Combined oral toxicity of azaspiracid-1 and yessotoxin in female NMRI mice Toxicon 2011, 57, 909-917.
- Uhlig, S.; Petersen, D.; Rolèn, E.; Egge-Jacobsen, W.; Vrålstad, T. Ergosedmine, a new peptide ergot alkaloid from the ergot fungus, Claviceps purpurea, parasitizing Calamagrostis arundinacea. Phytochemistry Letters 2011, 4, 79-85.
- Fæste, C. K.; Rønning, H. T.; Christians, U.; Granum, P. E. Liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry in food allergen detection. Journal of Food Protection 2011, 74 (2), 316-345.
- Moldes-Anaya, A.; Rundberget, T.; Uhlig, S.; Rise, F.; Wilkins, A. L. Isolation and structure elucidation of secopenitrem D, an indole alkaloid from Penicillium crustosum Thom. Toxicon 2011, 57 (2), 259-265.
- Frizzell, C.; Ndossi, D.; Verhaegen, S.; Dahl, E.; Eriksen, G.; Sorlie, M.; Ropstad, E.; Muller, M.; Elliott, C. T.; Connolly, L. Endocrine disrupting effects of zearalenone, alpha- and beta-zearalenol at the level of nuclear receptor binding and steroidogenesis. Toxicology letters 2011, 206 (2), 210-217.
- Busk, O. L.; Ndossi, D.; Verhaegen, S.; Connolly, L.; Eriksen, G.; Ropstad, E.; Sorlie, M. Relative quantification of the proteomic changes associated with the mycotoxin zearalenone in the H295R steroidogenesis model. Toxicon 2011, 58 (6-7) 533-542.
- Cottrill, B.; Döll, S.; Edler, L.; Eriksen, G. S.; Farmer, P.; Fink-Gremmels, J.; Fremy, J. M.; Gong, Y. Y.; Krska, R.; Meyer, K.; Oswald, I.; Parent-Massin D.; van Egmond, H. Scientific Opinion on the risks for animal and public health related to the presence of T-2 and HT-2 toxin in food and feed. EFSA Journal 2011, 9 (12), 2481.
- Ballot, A.; Fastner, J.; Lentz, M.; Wiedner, C. First report of anatoxin-a-producing cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon issatschenkoi in northeastern Germany. Toxicon 2010, 56 (6), 964-971.
- Ballot, A.; Fastner, J.; Wiedner, C. Paralytic shellfish poisoning toxin-producing cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon gracile in Northeast Germany. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2010, 76 (4), 1173-1180.
- Bernhoft, A.; Clasen, P. E.; Kristoffersen, A. B.; Torp, M. Less Fusarium infestation and mycotoxin contamination in organic than in conventional cereals. Food Additives and Contaminants Part A-Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment 2010, 27 (6), 842-852.
- Bottein, M.-Y.D.; Fuquay, J.M.; Munday, R.; Selwood, A.I.; van Ginkel, R.; Miles, C.O.; Loader, J.I.; Wilkins, A.L.Ramsdell, J.S. Bioassay methods for detection of N-palmitoylbrevetoxin-B2 (BTX-B4). Toxicon 2010, 55 (2-3), 497-506.
- Dadheech, P. K.; Ballot, A.; Casper, P.; Kotut, K.; Novelo, E.; Lemma, B.; Proschold, T.; Krienitz, L. Phylogenetic relationship and divergence among planktonic strains of Arthrospira (Oscillatoriales, Cyanobacteria) of African, Asian and American origin deduced by 16S-23S ITS and phycocyanin operon sequences. Phycologia 2010, 49 (4), 361-372.
- Eriksen, G. S.; Jaderlund, K. H.; Moldes-Anaya, A.; Schonheit, J.; Bernhoft, A.; Jaeger, G.; Rundberget, T.; Skaar, I. Poisoning of dogs with tremorgenic Penicillium toxins. Medical Mycology 2010, 48 (1), 188-196.
- Faeste, C. K.; Christians, U.; Egaas, E.; Jonscher, K. R. Characterization of potential allergens in fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) using patient sera and MS-based proteomic analysis. Journal of Proteomics 2010, 73 (7), 1321-1333.
- Fæste, C. K.; Jonscher, K. R.; Sit, L.; Klawitter, J.; Lovberg, K. E.; Moen, L. H. Differentiating cross-reacting allergens in the immunological analysis of celery (Apium graveolens) by mass spectrometry. Journal of the AOAC International 2010, 93 (2), 451-461.
- Fæste, C. K.; Namork, E. Differentiated patterns of legume sensitisation in peanut-allergic patients. Food Analytical Methods 2010, 3, 357-362.
- Ivanova, L.; Petersen, D.; Uhlig, S. Phomenins and fatty acids from Alternaria infectoria. Toxicon 2010, 55 (6), 1107-1114.
- Ivanova, L.; Uhlig, S.; Eriksen, G. S.; Johannessen, L. E. Enniatin B1 is a substrate of intestinal P-glycoprotein, multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 and breast cancer resistance protein. World Mycotoxin Journal 2010, 3 (3), 271-281.
- Kotut, K.; Ballot, A.; Wiegand, C.; Krienitz, L. Toxic cyanobacteria at Nakuru sewage oxidation ponds – A potential threat to wildlife. Limnologica 2010, 40 (1), 47-53.
- Langseth, W.; Rundberget, T.; Uhlig, S. Electron ionisation mass spectrometry of the pentafluoropropionate esters of trichothecene analogues and culmorin compounds from Fusarium species. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 2010, 24 (17), 2641-2649.
- Miles, C.O.; Rundberget, T.; Sandvik, M.; Aasen, J.A.B.Selwood, A.I. The presence of pinnatoxins in Norwegian mussels, in National Veterinary Institute’s Report Series. 2010, National Veterinary Institute: Oslo, Norway.
- Rakkestad, K. E.; Skaar, I.; Ansteinsson, V. E.; Solhaug, A.; Holme, J. A.; Pestka, J. J.; Samuelsen, J. T.; Dahlman, H. J.; Hongslo, J. K.; Becher, R. DNA damage and DNA damage responses in THP-1 monocytes after exposure to spores of either Stachybotrys chartarum or Aspergillus versicolor or to T-2 toxin. Toxicological Sciences 2010, 115 (1), 140-155.
- Selwood, A.I.; Miles, C.O.; Wilkins, A.L.; van Ginkel, R.; Munday, R.; Rise, F.McNabb, P. Isolation, structural determination, and acute toxicity of novel pinnatoxins E, F and G. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2010, 58 (10), 65326542.
- Sharaf, M.; Amara, A.; Aboul-Enein, A.; Helmi, S.; Ballot, A.; Astani, A.; Schnitzler, P. Molecular authentication and characterization of the antiherpetic activity of the cyanobacterium Arthrospira fusiformis. Pharmazie 2010, 65 (2), 132-136.
- Sletten, G.; Van Do, T.; Lindvik, H.; Egaas, E.; Florvaag, E. Effects of industrial processing on the immunogenicity of commonly ingested fish species. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 2010, 151 (3), 223-236.
- Spilsberg, B.; Rundberget, T.; Johannessen, L. E.; Kristoffersen, A. B.; Holst-Jensen, A.; Berdal, K. G. Detection of food-derived damaged nucleosides with possible adverse effects on human health using a global adductomics approach. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2010, 58 (10), 6370-6375.
- Werner, M. T.; Fæste, C. K.; Levsen, A.; Egaas, E. A quantitative sandwich ELISA for the detection of Anisakis simplex protein in seafood. European Food Research and Technology 2010, 232, 157-166.
- Braathen, M.; Mdegela, R. H.; Correia, D.; Rundberget, T.; Myburgh, J.; Botha, C.; Skaare, J. U.; Sandvik, M. Vitellogenin in African sharptooth catfish (Clarias gariepinus): purification, characterization, and ELISA development. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2009, 72 (3-4), 173-183.
- Dadheech, P. K.; Krienitz, L.; Kotut, K.; Ballot, A.; Casper, P. Molecular detection of uncultured cyanobacteria and aminotransferase domains for cyanotoxin production in sediments of different Kenyan lakes. Fems Microbiology Ecology 2009, 68 (3), 340-350.
- Dooper, M. M. B. W.; Plassen, C.; Holden, L.; Lindvik, H.; Fæste, C. K. Immunoglobulin E cross-reactivity between lupine conglutins and peanut allergens in serum of lupine-allergic individuals. Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 2009, 19 (4), 283-291.
- di Menna, M.E.; Smith, B.L.Miles, C.O. A history of facial eczema (pithomycotoxicosis) research. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 2009, 52 (4), 345-376.
- Edwards, S. G.; Barrier-Guillot, B.; Clasen, P. E.; Hietaniemi, V.; Pettersson, H. Emerging issues of HT-2 and T-2 toxins in European cereal production. World Mycotoxin Journal 2009, 2 (2), 173-179.
- Fæste, C. K.; Namork, E.; Lindvik, H. Allergenicity and antigenicity of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) proteins in foods. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2009, 123 (1), 187-194.
- Huhn, J.; Jeffrey, P. D.; Larsen, K.; Rundberget, T.; Rise, F.; Cox, N. R.; Arcus, V.; Shi, Y. G.; Miles, C. O. A Structural Basis for the Reduced Toxicity of Dinophysistoxin-2. Chemical Research in Toxicology 2009, 22 (11), 1782-1786.
- Jestoi, M.; Kokkonen, M.; Uhlig, S. What about the ‘other’ Fusarium mycotoxins? World Mycotoxin Journal 2009, 2 (2), 181-192.
- McCarron, P.; Kilcoyne, J.; Miles, C.O.; Hess, P. Formation of azaspiracids-3, -4, -6, and -9 via decarboxylation of carboxyazaspiracid metabolites from shellfish. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009, 57 (1), 160–169.
- Moldes-Anaya, A.; Wilkins, A. L.; Rundberget, T.; Faeste, C. K. In vitro and in vivo hepatic metabolism of the fungal neurotoxin penitrem A. Drug and Chemical Toxicology 2009, 32 (1), 26-37.
- Moldes-Anaya, A. S.; Asp, T. N.; Eriksen, G. S.; Skaar, I.; Rundberget, T. Determination of cyclopiazonic acid in food and feeds by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 2009, 1216 (18), 3812-3818.
- Rundberget, T.; Gustad, E.; Samdal, I. A.; Sandvik, M.; Miles, C. O. A convenient and cost-effective method for monitoring marine algal toxins with passive samplers. Toxicon 2009, 53 (5), 543-550.
- Uhlig, S.; Ivanova, L.; Petersen, D.; Kristensen, R. Structural studies on minor enniatins from Fusarium sp VI 03441: Novel N-methyl-threonine containing enniatins. Toxicon 2009, 53 (7-8), 734-742.
- Uhlig, S.; Botha, C. J.; Vrålstad, T.; Rolen, E.; Miles, C. O. Indole-diterpenes and ergot alkaloids in Cynodon dactylon (Bermuda grass) Infected with Claviceps cynodontis from an outbreak of tremors in cattle. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009, 57 (23), 11112-11119.
- Aune, T.; Aasen, J. A. B.; Miles, C. O.Larsen, S. Effect of mouse strain and gender on LD50 of yessotoxin. Toxicon 2008, 52 (4), 535-540.
- Ballot, A.; Dadheech, P. K.; Haande, S.; Krienitz, L. Morphological and phylogenetic analysis of Anabaenopsis abijatae and Anabaenopsis elenkinii (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria) from tropical inland water bodies. Microbial Ecology 2008, 55 (4), 608-618.
- Dooper, M. M. B. W.; Plassen, C.; Holden, L.; Moen, L. H.; Namork, E.; Egaas, E. Antibody binding to hazelnut (Corylus avellana) proteins: the effects of extraction procedure and hazelnut source. Food and Agricultural Immunology 2008, 19 (3), 229-240.
- Espiña, B.; Louzao, M.C.; Ares, I.R.; Cagide, E.; Vieytes, M.R.; Vega, F.V.; Rubiolo, J.A.; Miles, C.O.; Suzuki, T.; Yasumoto, T.Botana, L.M. Cytoskeletal toxicity of pectenotoxins in hepatic cells. British Journal of Pharmacology 2008, 155 (6), 934–944.
- Fæste, C. K.; Plassen, C. Quantitative sandwich ELISA for the determination of fish in foods. J. Immunol. Methods 2008, 329 (1-2), 45-55.
- Haande, S.; Rohrlack, T.; Ballot, A.; Roberg, K.; Skulberg, R.; Beck, M.; Wiedner, C. Genetic characterisation of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria) isolates from Africa and Europe. Harmful Algae 2008, 7 (5), 692-701.
- Holden, L.; Sletten, G. B. G.; Lindvik, H.; Fæste, C. K.; Dooper, M. M. B. W. Characterization of IgE binding to lupin, peanut and almond with sera from lupin-allergic patients. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 2008, 146 (4), 267-276.
- Ivanova, L.; Uhlig, S. A bioassay for the simultaneous measurement of metabolic activity, membrane integrity, and lysosomal activity in cell cultures. Analytical Biochemistry 2008, 379 (1), 16-19.
- Munday, J.S.; Thompson, D.; Finch, S. C.; Babu, J. V.; Wilkins, A. L.; Di Menna, M. E.; Miles, C. O. Presumptive tremorgenic mycotoxicosis in a dog in New Zealand, after eating mouldy walnuts. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 2008, 56 (3), 145–147.
- Sletten, G. B. G.; Holden, L.; Egaas, E.; Faeste, C. K. Differential influence of the degree of processing on immunogenicity following proteolysis of casein and beta-lactoglobulin. Food and Agricultural Immunology 2008, 19 (3), 213-228.
- Selwood, A. I.; van Ginkel, R.; Wilkins, A. L.; Munday, R.; Ramsdell, J. S.; Jensen, D. J.; Cooney, J. M.; Miles, C.O. Semisynthesis of S-desoxybrevetoxin-B2 and brevetoxin-B2, and assessment of their acute toxicities. Chemical Research in Toxicology 2008, 21 (4), 944–950.
- Stevenson, D. E.; Hansen, R. P.; Loader, J. I.; Jensen, D. J.; Cooney, J. M.; Wilkins, A. L.; Miles, C. O. Preparative enzymatic synthesis of glucuronides of zearalenone and five of its metabolites. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2008, 56 (11), 4032–4038.
- Torgensen, T.; Bremnes, N. B.; Rundberget, T.; Aune, T. Structural confirmation and occurrence of azaspiracids in Scandinavian brown crabs (Cancer pagurus). Toxicon 2008, 51 (1), 93-101.
- Torgersen, T.; Sandvik, M.; Lundve, B.; Lindegarth, S. Profiles and levels of fatty acid esters of okadaic acid group toxins and pectenotoxins during toxin depuration. Part II: blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) and flat oyster (Ostrea edulis). Toxicon 2008, 52 (3), 418-427.
- Torgersen, T.; Lindegarth, S.; Ungfors, A.; Sandvik, M. Profiles and levels of fatty acid esters of okadaic acid group toxins and pectenotoxins during toxin depuration. Part I: brown crab (Cancer pagurus). Toxicon 2008, 52 (3), 407-417.
- Uhlig, S.; Ivanova, L.; Bernhoft, A.; Eriksen, G. S. 2-Amino-14,16-dimethyloctadecan-3-ol: in vitro bioactivity and bio-production by the fungus Fusarium avenaceum. World Mycotoxin Journal 2008, 1 (1), 49-58.
- Uhlig, S.; Petersen, D. Lactam ergot alkaloids (ergopeptams) as predominant alkaloids in sclerotia of Claviceps purpurea from Norwegian wild grasses. Toxicon 2008, 52 (1), 175-185.
- Wisløff, H.; Uhlig, S.; Scheie, E.; Loader, J.; Wilkins, A.; Flåøyen, A. Toxicity testing of saponin-containing Yucca schidigera Roetzl. juice in relation to hepato- and nephrotoxicity of Narthecium ossifragum (L.) Huds. Toxicon 2008, 51 (1), 140-150.
- Allingham, J. S.; Miles, C. O.; Rayment, I. A structural basis for regulation of actin polymerization by pectenotoxins. Journal of Molecular Biology 2007, 371 (4), 959–970.
- Ares, I. R.; Louzao, M. C.; Espiña, B.; Vieytes, M. R.; Miles, C. O.; Yasumoto, T.M., B.L. Lactone ring of pectenotoxins: a key factor for their activity on cytoskeleton dynamics. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry 2007, 19, 283–292.
- Dooper, M. M. B. W.; Holden, L.; Thompson, K.; Fæste, C. A homologous sequence between Lupinus spp. (lupin) and Prunus dulcis (almond) allergens recognized by an anti-lupin monoclonal antibody. Allergy 2007, 62, 368-369.
- Dooper, M. M. B. W.; Holden, L.; Fæste, C. K.; Thompson, K. M.; Egaas, E. Monoclonal antibodies against the candidate lupin allergens alpha-conglutin and beta-conglutin. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 2007, 143 (1), 49-58.
- Egaas, E.; Sletten, G. Effectivity of an industrial hydrolysis process in removing allergenic protein from fish. Allergy 2007, 62, 328-329.
- Fæste, C. K.; Lovberg, K. E.; Lindvik, H.; Egaas, E. Extractability, stability, and allergenicity of egg white proteins in differently heat-processed foods. J. AOAC Int. 2007, 90 (2), 427-436.
- Haande, S.; Ballot, A.; Rohrlack, T.; Fastner, J.; Wiedner, C.; Edvardsen, B. Diversity of Microcystis aeruginosa isolates (Chroococcales, Cyanobacteria) from East-African water bodies. Archives of Microbiology 2007, 188 (1), 15-25.
- Holden, L.; Moen, L. H.; Sletten, G. B. G.; Dooper, M. M. B. W. Novel polyclonal-monoclonal-based ELISA utilized to examine lupine (Lupinus species) content in food products. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2007, 55 (7), 2536-2542.
- Johansen, N. S.; Moen, L. H.; Egaas, E. Sterol demethylation inhibitor fungicides as disruptors of insect development and inducers of glutathione S-transferase activities in Mamestra brassicae. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology 2007, 145 (3), 473-483.
- Larsen, K.; Petersen, D.; Wilkins, A. L.; Samdal, I. A.; Sandvik, M.; Rundberget, T.; Goldstone, D.; Arcus, V.; Hovgaard, P.; Rise, F.; Rehmann, N.; Hess, P.; Miles, C. O. Clarification of the C-35 stereochemistries of dinophysistoxin-1 and dinophysistoxin-2 and its consequences for binding to protein phosphatase. Chemical Research in Toxicology 2007, 20 (12), 2020.
- Larsen, K.; Petersen, D.; Wilkins, A. L.; Samdal, I. A.; Sandvik, M.; Rundberget, T.; Goldstone, D.; Arcus, V.; Hovgaard, P.; Rise, F.; Rehmann, N.; Hess, P.; Miles, C. O. Clarification of the C-35 stereochemistries of dinophysistoxin-1 and dinophysistoxin-2 and its consequences for binding to protein phosphatase. Chemical Research in Toxicology 2007, 20 (6), 868-875.
- Loader, J. I.; Hawkes, A. D.; Beuzenberg, V.; Jensen, D. J.; Cooney, J. M.; Wilkins, A. L.; Fitzgerald, J. M.; Briggs, L. R.; Miles, C. O. Convenient large-scale purification of yessotoxin from Protoceratium reticulatum culture, and isolation of a novel furanoyessotoxin. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2007, 55 (26), 11093–11100.
- Miles, C.O. Pectenotoxins, in Phycotoxins: Chemistry and Biochemistry, L.M. Botana, Editor. 2007, Blackwell Publishing Ltd: Oxford. pp. 159–186.
- Rundberget, T.; Sandvik, M.; Larsen, K.; Pizarro, G. M.; Reguera, B.; Castberg, T.; Gustad, E.; Loader, J. I.; Rise, F.; Wilkins, A. L.; Miles, C. O. Extraction of microalgal toxins by large-scale pumping of seawater in Spain and Norway, and isolation of okadaic acid and dinophysistoxin-2. Toxicon 2007, 50 (7), 960-970.
- Sletten, G. B. G.; Egaas, E.; Lindvik, H.; Van Do, T.; Florvaag, E. Effects of industrial processing of commonly ingested fish species on fish protein allergenicity. Allergy 2007, 62, 328.
- Sletten, G. B. G.; Halvorsen, R.; Egaas, E.; Halstensen, T. S. Casein-specific immunoglobulins in cow’s milk allergic patient subgroups reveal a shift to IgA dominance in tolerant patients. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 2007, 18 (1), 71-80.
- Sletten, G. B. G.; Halvorsen, R.; Egaas, E.; Halstensen, T. S. Memory T cell proliferation in cow’s milk allergy after CD25+ regulatory T cell removal suggests a role for casein-specific cellular immunity in IgE-mediated but not in non-IgE-mediated cow’s milk allergy. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 2007, 142 (3), 190-198.
- Uhlig, S.; Wisløff, H.; Petersen, D. Identification of cytotoxic constituents of Narthecium ossifragum using bioassay-guided fractionation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2007, 55 (15), 6018-6026.
- Uhlig, S.; Jestoi, M.; Parikka, P. Fusarium avenaceum – the North European situation. International Journal of Food Microbiology 2007, 119 (1-2), 17-24.
- Uhlig, S.; Vikoren, T.; Ivanova, L.; Handeland, K. Ergot alkaloids in Norwegian wild grasses: a mass spectrometric approach. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 2007, 21 (10), 1651-1660.
- Werner, M. T.; Fæste, C. K.; Egaas, E. Quantitative sandwich ELISA for the determination of tropomyosin from crustaceans in foods. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2007, 55 (20), 8025-8032.
- Fæste, C. K.; Holden, L.; Plassen, C.; Almli, B. Sensitive time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay for the detection of hazelnut (Corylus avellana) protein traces in food matrices. Journal of Immunological Methods 2006, 314 (1-2), 114-122.
- Forsyth, C. J.; Xu, J.; Nguyen, S. T.; Samdal, I. A.; Briggs, L. R.; Rundberget, T.; Sandvik, M.; Miles, C. O. Antibodies with broad specificity to azaspiracids by use of synthetic haptens. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2006, 128 (47), 15114-15116.
- Halstensen, A. S.; Nordby, K. C.; Klemsdal, S. S.; Elen, O.; Clasen, P. E.; Eduard, W. Toxigenic Fusarium spp. as determinants of trichothecene mycotoxins in settled grain dust. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 2006, 3 (12), 651-659.
- Ivanova, L.; Skjerve, E.; Eriksen, G. S.; Uhlig, S. Cytotoxicity of enniatins A, A1, B, B1, B2 and B3 from Fusarium avenaceum. Toxicon 2006, 47 (8), 868-876.
- Kotut, K.; Ballot, A.; Krienitz, L. Toxic cyanobacteria and their toxins in standing waters of Kenya: implications for water resource use. Journal of Water and Health 2010, 04, 233-245.
- Metcalf, J. S.; Morrison, L. F.; Krienitz, L.; Ballot, A.; Krause, E.; Kotut, K.; Pütz, S.; Wiegand, C.; Pflugmacher, S. Analysis of the cyanotoxins anatoxin-a and microcystins in Lesser flamingo feathers. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 2006, 88 (1), 159-167.
- Miles, C. O.; Wilkins, A. L.; Selwood, A. I.; Hawkes, A. D.; Jensen, D. J.; Cooney, J. M.; Beuzenberg, V.; MacKenzie, A. L. Isolation of yessotoxin 32-O-[β-L-arabinofuranosyl-(5’→1″)-β-L-arabinofuranoside] from Protoceratium reticulatum. Toxicon 2006, 47 (5), 510–516.
- Miles, C. O.; Wilkins, A. L.; Munday, J. S.; Munday, R.; Hawkes, A. D.; Jensen, D. J.; Cooney, J. M.; Beuzenberg, V. Production of 7-epi-pectenotoxin-2 seco acid and assessment of its acute toxicity to mice. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2006, 54 (4), 1530–1534.
- Miles, C. O.; Wilkins, A. L.; Hawkes, A. D.; Jensen, D. J.; Selwood, A. I.; Beuzenberg, V.; MacKenzie, A. L.; Cooney, J. M.; Holland, P. T. Isolation and identification of pectenotoxins-13 and -14 from Dinophysis acuta in New Zealand. Toxicon 2006, 48 (2), 152–159.
- Miles, C. O.; Wilkins, A. L.; Hawkes, A. D.; Jensen, D. J.; Cooney, J. M.; Larsen, K.; Petersen, D.; Rise, F.; Beuzenberg, V.; MacKenzie, A. L. Isolation and identification of a cis-C8-diol-ester of okadaic acid from Dinophysis acuta in New Zealand. Toxicon 2006, 48 (2), 195–203.
- Miles, C. O.; Wilkins, A. L.; Hawkes, A. D.; Selwood, A. I.; Jensen, D. J.; Cooney, J. M.; Beuzenberg, V.; MacKenzie, A. L. Identification of 45-hydroxy-46,47-dinoryessotoxin, 44-oxo-45,46,47-trinoryessotoxin, and 9-methyl-42,43,44,45,46,47,55-heptanor-38-en-41-oxoyessotoxin, and partial characterization of some minor yessotoxins, from Protoceratium reticulatum. Toxicon 2006, 47 (2), 229–240.
- Rundberget, T.; Sandvik, M.; Hovgaard, P.; Nguyen, L.; Aasen, J. A. B.; Castberg, T.; Gustad, E.; Miles, C. Use of SPATT disks in Norway: detection of AZA’s & DTX’s and comparison with algal cell counts and toxin profiles in shellfish. Marine Biotoxin Science Workshop No. 23. NZFSA, Wellington, New Zealand 2006, 37-39.
- Samdal, I. A.; Olseng, C. D.; Sandvik, M.; Miles, C. O.; Briggs, L. R.; Torgersen, T.; Jensen, D. J. Profile of yessotoxin analogues in a Norwegian strain of Protoceratium reticulatum, in Molluscan Shellfish Safety. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Molluscan Shellfish Safety, Galway, Ireland, June 14th–18th, 2004, K. Henshilwood, et al., Editors. 2006, The Marine Institute, Rinville, Oranmore: Galway, Ireland. pp. 242–247.
- Sletten, G. B. G.; Halvorsen, R.; Egaas, E.; Halstensen, T. S. Changes in humoral responses to beta-lactoglobulin in tolerant patients suggest a particular role for IgG(4) in delayed, non-IgE-mediated cow’s milk allergy. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 2006, 17 (6), 435-443.
- Suzuki, T.; Walter, J. A.; LeBlanc, P.; MacKinnon, S.; Miles, C. O.; Wilkins, A. L.; Munday, R.; Beuzenberg, V.; MacKenzie, A. L.; Jensen, D. J.; Cooney, J. M.; Quilliam, M. A. Identification of pectenotoxin-11 as 34S-hydroxypectenotoxin-2, a new pectenotoxin analogue in the toxic dinoflagellate Dinophysis acuta from New Zealand. Chemical Research in Toxicology 2006, 19 (2), 310–318.
- Uhlig, S.; Torp, M.; Heier, B. T. Beauvericin and enniatins A, A1, B and B1 in Norwegian grain: a survey. Food Chemistry 2006, 94 (2), 193-201.
- Uhlig, S.; Jestoi, M.; Kristin, K. A.; Heier, B. T. Multiple regression analysis as a tool for the identification of relations between semi-quantitative LC-MS data and cytotoxicity of extracts of the fungus Fusarium avenaceum (syn. F. arthrosporioides). Toxicon 2006, 48 (5), 567-579.
- Wilkins, A. L.; Rehmann, N.; Torgersen, T.; Rundberget, T.; Keogh, M.; Petersen, D.; Hess, P.; Rise, F.Miles, C. O. Identification of fatty acid esters of pectenotoxin-2 seco acid in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) from Ireland. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2006, 54 (15), 5672–5678.
- Wilkins, A. L.; Miles, C. O. Structure determination of new algal toxins using NMR methods. Chemistry in New Zealand 2006, 70 (3), 70–74.
- Aasen, J. A. B.; Samdal, I. A.; Miles, C. O.; Dahl, E.; Briggs, L. R.; Aune, T. Yessotoxin in Norwegian blue mussels (Mytilus edulis); uptake from Protoceratium reticulatum, metabolism and depuration. Toxicon 2005, 45 (3), 265-272.
- Ballot, A.; Krienitz, L.; Kotut, K.; Wiegand, C.; Pflugmacher, S. Cyanobacteria and cyanobacterial toxins in the alkaline crater Lakes Sonachi and Simbi, Kenya Harmful Algae 2005, 4 (1), 139-150.
- Finch, S. C.; Wilkins, A. L.; Hawkes, A. D.; Jensen, D. J.; MacKenzie, A. L.; Beuzenberg, V.; Quilliam, M. A.; Olseng, C. D.; Samdal, I. A.; Aasen, J. A. B.; Selwood, A. I.; Cooney, J. M.; Sandvik, M.; Miles, C. O. Isolation and identification of (44-R,S)-44,55-dihydroxyyessotoxin from Protoceratium reticulatum, and its occurrence in extracts of shellfish from New Zealand, Norway and Canada. Toxicon 2005, 46 (2), 160-170.
- Holden, L.; Fæste, C. K.; Egaas, E. Quantitative sandwich ELISA for the determination of lupine (Lupinus spp.) in foods. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2005, 53 (15), 5866-5871.
- Kosiak, E. B.; Holst-Jensen, A.; Rundberget, T.; Jaen, M. T. G.; Torp, M. Morphological, chemical and molecular differentiation of Fusarium equiseti isolated from Norwegian cereals. International Journal of Food Microbiology 2005, 99 (2), 195-206.
- Krienitz, L.; Ballot, A.; Casper, P.; Codd, G. A.; Kotut, K.; Metcalf, J. S.; Morrison, L. F. P. S.; Wiegand, C. Contribution of toxic cyanobacteria to massive deaths of Lesser Flamingos at saline alkaline lakes of Kenya. Verhandlungen des Internationalen Verein Limnologie 2005, 29, 783-786.
- Miles, C. O.; Wilkins, A. L.; Hawkes, A. D.; Selwood, A. I.; Jensen, D. J.; Munday, R.; Cooney, J. M.; Beuzenberg, V., Polyhydroxylated amide analogs of yessotoxin from Protoceratium reticulatum. Toxicon 2005, 45 (1), 61–71.
- Miles, C. O.; Samdal, I. A.; Aasen, J. A. B.; Jensen, D. J.; Quilliam, M. A.; Petersen, D.; Briggs, L. M.; Wilkins, A. L.; Rise, F.; Cooney, J. M.; MacKenzie, A. L. Evidence for numerous analogs of yessotoxin in Protoceratium reticulatum. Harmful Algae 2005, 4 (6), 1075-1091.
- Moen, L. H.; Sletten, G. B.; Miller, I.; Plassen, C.; Gutleb, A. C.; Egaas, E. Rocket immunoelectrophoresis and ELISA as complementary methods for the detection of casein in foods? Food and Agricultural Immunology 2005, 16 (2), 83-90.
- Morris, C. A.; MAmyes, N. C.; Sprosen, J. M.; Hawkes, A. D.; Finch, S. C.; Miles, C. O. Zearalenone challenge in sheep: urine sampling to measure response. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production 2005, 65, 316-319.
- Samdal, I. A.; Aasen, J. A. B.; Briggs, L. R.; Dahl, E.; Miles, C. O. Comparison of ELISA and LC-MS analyses for yessotoxins in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis). Toxicon 2005, 46 (1), 7-15.
- Sletten, G. B. G.; Lovberg, K. E.; Moen, L. H.; Skarpeid, H. J.; Egaas, E. A comparison of time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay and ELISA in the detection of casein in foodstuffs. Food and Agricultural Immunology 2005, 16 (3-4), 235-243.
- Uhlig, S.; Petersen, D.; Flåøyen, A.; Wilkins, A. L. 2-Amino-14,16-dimethyloctadecan-3-ol, a new sphingosine analogue toxin in the fungal genus Fusarium. Toxicon 2005, 46 (5), 513-522.
- Uhlig, S.; Gutleb, A. C.; Thrane, U.; Flåøyen, A. Identification of cytotoxic principles from Fusarium avenaceum using bioassay-guided fractionation. Toxicon 2005, 46 (2), 150-159.
- Ballot, A.; Dadheech, P. K.; Krienitz, L. Phylogenetic relationship of Arthrospira, Phormidium and Spirulina strains from Kenyan and Indian water bodies. Algological Studies 2004, 113, 37-56.
- Ballot, A.; Krienitz, L.; Kotut, K.; Wiegand, C.; Metcalf, J. S.; Codd, G. A.; Pflugmacher, S. Cyanobacteria and cyanobacterial toxins in three alkaline rift valley lakes of Kenya – Lakes Bogoria, Nakuru and Elmenteita. Journal of Plankton Research 2004, 26 (8), 925-935.
- Bernhoft, A.; Keblys, M.; Morrison, E.; Larsen, H. J. S.; Flåøyen, A. Combined effects of selected Penicillium mycotoxins on in vitro proliferation of porcine lymphocytes. Mycopathologia 2004, 158 (4), 441-450.
- Briggs, L. R.; Miles, C. O.; Fitzgerald, J. M.; Ross, K. M.; Garthwaite, I.; Towers, N. R., Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of yessotoxin and its analogues. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2004, 52 (19), 5836–5842.
- Eriksen, G. S.; Pettersson, H. Toxicological evaluation of trichothecenes in animal feed. Animal Feed Science and Technology 2004, 114 (1-4), 205-239.
- Eriksen, G. S.; Pettersson, H.; Lundh, T. Comparative cytotoxicity of deoxynivalenol, nivalenol, their acetylated derivatives and de-epoxy metabolites. Food and Chemical Toxicology 2004, 42 (4), 619-624.
- Fæste, C. K.; Lovik, M.; Wiker, H. G.; Egaas, E. A case of peanut cross-allergy to lupine flour in a hot dog bread. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology.. 2004, 135 (1), 36-39.
- Flåøyen, A.; di Menna, M. E.; Wilkins, A. L.; Sandvik, M.; Berndt, S. Summer variation in the concentration of steroidal sapogenins in and the degree of fungal infection on Narthecium ossifragum plants from Møre og Romsdal County, Norway. Veterinary Research Communications 2004, 28 (3), 225-234.
- Keblys, M.; Bernhoft, A.; Hofer, C. C.; Morrison, E.; Larsen, H. J. S.; Flaoyen, A. The effects of the Penicillium mycotoxins citrinin, cyclopiazonic acid, ochratoxin A, patulin, penicillic acid, and roquefortine C on in vitro proliferation of porcine lymphocytes. Mycopathologia 2004, 158 (3), 317-324.
- Løvik, M.; Namork, E.; Fæste, C. K.; Egaas, E. The Norwegian National Reporting System and Register of Severe Allergic Reactions to Food. Norsk Epidemiology 2004, 14, 155-160.
- Miles, C. O.; Wilkins, A. L.; Hawkes, A. D.; Selwood, A. I.; Jensen, D. J.; Aasen, J. A. B.; Munday, R.; Samdal, I. A.; Briggs, L. R.; Beuzenberg, V.; MacKenzie, A. L. Isolation of a 1,3-enone isomer of heptanor-41-oxoyessotoxin from Protoceratium reticulatum cultures. Toxicon 2004, 44 (3), 325-336.
- Miles, C. O.; Wilkins, A. L.; Samdal, I. A.; Briggs, L. R.; Aasen, J. A. B.; Cooney, J. M.; Jensen, D. J.; Hawkes, A. D.; Holland, P. T.; Petersen, D.; Quilliam, M. A.; Selwood, A. I.; MacKenzie, A. L.; Beuzenberg, V.; Munday, R. Protocertium reticulatum produces numerous yessotoxin analogues. In: Book of abstracts. 5th International Conference on Molluscan Shellfish safety, 14th-18th June 2004, Galway, Irland 2004, 44.
- Miles, C. O.; Wilkins, A. L.; Jensen, D. J.; Cooney, J. M.; Quilliam, M. A.; Aasen, J. ; MacKenzie, A. L. Isolation of 41a-homoyessotoxin and identification of 9-methyl-41a-homoyessotoxin and nor-ring-A-yessotoxin from Protoceratium reticulatum. Chemical Research in Toxicology 2004, 17 (11), 1414–1422.
- Miles, C. O.; Wilkins, A. L.; Munday, R.; Dines, M. H.; Hawkes, A. D.; Briggs, L. R.; Sandvik, M.; Jensen, D. J.; Cooney, J. M.; Holland, P. T.; Quilliam, M. A.; MacKenzie, A. L.; Beuzenberg, V.Towers, N. R. Isolation of pectenotoxin-2 from Dinophysis acuta and its conversion to pectenotoxin-2 seco acid, and preliminary assessment of their acute toxicities. Toxicon 2004, 43 (1), 1–9.
- Miles, C. O.; Wilkins, A. L.; Samdal, I. A.; Sandvik, M.; Petersen, D.; Quilliam, M. A.; Naustvoll, L. J.; Rundberget, T.; Torgersen, T.; Hovgaard, P.; Jensen, D. J.; Cooney, J. M. A novel pectenotoxin, PTX-12, in Dinophysis spp. and shellfish from Norway. Chemical Research in Toxicology 2004, 17 (11), 1423-1433.
- Miles, E. A.; Banerjee, T.; Dooper, M. M. B. W.; M’Rabet, L.; Graus, Y. M. F.; Calder, P. C. The influence of different combinations of gamma-linolenic acid, stearidonic acid and EPA on immune function in healthy young male subjects. British Journal of Nutrition 2004, 91 (6), 893-903.
- Munday, R.; Towers, N. R.; Mackenzie, L.; Beuzenberg, V.; Holland, P. T.; Miles, C. O. Acute toxicity of gymnodimine to mice. Toxicon 2004, 44 (2), 173–178.
- Nordby, K. C.; Halstensen, A. S.; Elen, O.; Clasen, P. E.; Langseth, W.; Kristensen, P.; Eduard, W. Trichothecene mycotoxins and their determinants in settled dust related to grain production. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 2004, 11 (1), 75-83.
- Rundberget, T.; Skaar, I.; Flaoyen, A. The presence of Penicillium and Penicillium mycotoxins in food wastes. International Journal of Food Microbiology 2004, 90 (2), 181-188.
- Rundberget, T.; Skaar, I.; O’Brien, O.; Flåøyen, A. Penitrem and thomitrem formation by Penicillium crustosum. Mycopathologia 2004, 157 (3), 349-357.
- Samdal, I. A.; Naustvoll, L. J.; Olseng, C. D.; Briggs, L. R.; Miles, C. O. Use of ELISA to identify Protoceratium reticulatum as a source of yessotoxin in Norway. Toxicon 2004, 44 (1), 75-82.
- Samdal, I. A.; Olseng, C. D.; Sandvik, M.; Miles, C. O.; Briggs, L. R.; Torgersen, T.; Jensen, D. J.; Cooney, J. M. Profile of yessotoxin analogues in a Norwegian strain of Protoceratium reticulatum. In: Proceedings from the 5th International Conference on Molluscan Shellfish Safety, 14th-18th June 2004, Galway, Ireland 2004.
- Thrane, U.; Adler, A.; Clasen, P. E.; Galvano, F.; Langseth, W.; Logrieco, A.; Nielsen, K. F.; Ritieni, A. Diversity in metabolite production by Fusarium langsethiae, Fusarium poae, and Fusarium sporotrichioides. International Journal of Food Microbiology 2004, 95 (3), 257-266.
- Uhlig, S.; Ivanova, L. Determination of beauvericin and four other enniatins in grain by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A 2004, 1050 (2), 173-178.
- Uhlig, S.; Torp, M.; Jarp, J.; Parich, A.; Gutleb, A. C.; Krska, R. Moniliformin in Norwegian grain. Food Additives and Contaminants 2004, 21 (6), 598-606.
- Botha, C. J.; Rundberget, T.; Swan, G. E.; Mulders, M. S. G.; Flåøyen, A. Toxicokinetics of cotyledoside following intravenous administration to sheep. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association-Tydskrif Van Die Suid-Afrikaanse Veterinere Vereniging 2003, 74 (1), 7-10.
- Cooney, J. M.; Jensen, D. J.; Miles, C. O. Ion-trap LC-MS as a tool for structural characterisation of marine algal toxins, in HABTech 2003, P. Holland, L. Rhodes, and L. Brown, Editors. 2003, Cawthron Report No. 906, Cawthron Institute: Nelson, New Zealand. pp. 59–64.
- Eriksen, G. S.; Pettersson, H. Lack of de-epoxidation of type B trichothecenes in incubates with human faeces. Food Additives and Contaminants 2003, 20 (6), 579-582.
- Eriksen, G. S.; Pettersson, H.; Lindberg, J. E. Absorption, metabolism and excretion of 3-acetyl DON in pigs. Archives of Animal Nutrition-Archiv fur Tierernahrung 2003, 57 (5), 335-345.
- Fæste, C. K.; Wiker, H. G.; Lovik, M.; Egaas, E. Hidden shellfish allergen in a fish cake. Allergy 2003, 58 (11), 1204-1205.
- Holme, J. A.; Morrison, E.; Samuelsen, J. T.; Wiger, R.; Lag, M.; Schwarze, P. E.; Bernhoft, A.; Refsnes, M. Mechanisms involved in the induction of apoptosis by T-2 and HT-2 toxins in HL-60 human promyelocytic leukemia cells. Cell Biology and Toxicology 2003, 19 (1), 53-68.
- Krienitz, L.; Ballot, A.; Kotut, K.; Wiegand, C.; Putz, S.; Metcalf, J. S.; Codd, G. A.; Pflugmacher, S. Contribution of hot spring cyanobacteria to the mysterious deaths of Lesser Flamingos at Lake Bogoria, Kenya. Fems Microbiology Ecology 2003, 43 (2), 141-148.
- McMillan, L. K.; Carr, R. L.; Young, C. A.; Astin, J. W.; Lowe, R. G.; Parker, E. J.; Jameson, G. B.; Finch, S. C.; Miles, C. O.; McManus, O. B.; Schmalhofer, W. A.; Garcia, M. L.; Kaczorowski, G. J.; Goetz, M.; Tkacz, J. S.; Scott, B., Molecular analysis of two cytochrome P450 monooxygenase genes required for paxilline biosynthesis in Penicillium paxilli, and effects of paxilline intermediates on mammalian maxi-K ion channels. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 2003, 270 (1), 9-23.
- Miles, C. O.; Wilkins, A. L.; Stirling, D. J.; MacKenzie, A. L. Gymnodimine C, an isomer of gymnodimine B, from Karenia selliformis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2003, 51 (16), 4838–4840.
- Wilkins, A. L.; Meagher, L. P.; Smith, B. L.; Miles, C. O. Ovine metabolism of diosgenin coated on cellulose in relation to hepatogenous photosensitization of ruminants. Veterinary and Human Toxicology 2003, 45 (1), 24–27.