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  2. Miles CO, Strand DA, Rusch JC, Ballot A, Haande S, Løvberg KLE, Vrålstad T, Samdal IA. Microcystin profiles in European noble crayfish Astacus astacus and water in Lake Steinsfjorden, Norway. Environmental Research 2024, 242, 117623.
  3. Bannon CC, Wang X, Uhlig S, Samdal IA, McCarron P, Larsen TO, Mudge EM. Influence of biotic and abiotic factors on prymnesin profiles in three strains of Prymnesium parvum. Algal Research 2024, 78, 103390.
  4. Van Hassel WHR, Abdallah MF, Velasquez MGG, Miles CO, Samdal IA, Masquelier J, et al. Experimental accumulation and depuration kinetics and natural occurrence of microcystin-LR in basil (Ocimum basilicum L.). Environ Pollut. 2024, 347, 123715.
  5. Louro H, Vettorazzi A, López de Cerain A, Spyropoulou A, Solhaug A, Straumfors A, Behr A-C, Mertens B, Žegura B, Fæste CK, Ndiaye D, Spilioti E, Varga E, Dubreil E, Borsos E, Crudo F, Eriksen GS, Snapkow I, Henri J, Sanders J, Machera K, Gaté L, Le Hegarat L, Novak M, Smith NM, Krapf S, Hager S, Fessard V, Kohl Y, Silva MJ, Dirven H, Dietrich J, Marko D. Hazard characterization of Alternaria toxins to identify data gaps and improve risk assessment for human health. Archives of Toxicology 2024, 98, 425-469.
  6. Fæste CK, Rangel-Huerta OD, Anonsen JH, Tartor H, Kuiper RV and Dahle MK. Potential plasma biomarkers for the onset of heart and skeletal muscle inflammation from Piscine orthoreovirus-1 infection in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Aquaculture 2024, 590, 741045.
  7. Snapkow I, Smith NM, Arnesdotter E, Beekmann K, Blanc EB, Braeuning A, Corsini E, Sollner Dolenc M, Duivenvoorde LPM, Eriksen GS, Franko N, Galbiati V, Gostner JM, Grova N, Gutleb AC, Hargitai R, Janssen AWF, Krapf SA, Lindeman B, Lumniczky K, Maddalon A, Mollerup S, Parráková L, Pierzchalski A, Pieters RHH, Silva MJ, Solhaug A, Staal YCM, Straumfors A, Szatmári T, Turner JD, Vandebriel RJ, Zenclussen AC and Barouki R. New approach methodologies to enhance human health risk assessment of immunotoxic properties of chemicals — a PARC (Partnership for the Assessment of Risk from Chemicals) project. Frontiers in Toxicology 2024, 6.
  8. Borge AJ, Colitti B, Rosati S, Nordstoga AB, Gjerset B, Udjus K, Nogarol C, Chellappa S, Samdal IA and Lybeck K. Development of a bead-based multiplex fluorescent immunoassay to detect antibodies against Maedi-visna virus in sheep. Animals 2024, 14, 1442.
  9. Solhaug A, Olsvik PA, Siriyappagouder P, Faller R and Kristensen T. Gill epithelial cell line ASG-10 from Atlantic salmon as a new research tool for solving water quality challenges in aquaculture. Toxicology in Vitro 2024, 96, 105790.
  10. Solhaug A, Vlegels S and Eriksen GS. Atlantic salmon gill epithelial cell line ASG-10, an in vitro model for studying effects of microplastics in gills. Aquatic Toxicology 2024, 272, 106946.